
That's really, really awesome. Yay GB! You have good reason to be proud.

Cool- glad to hear it. Hope you're feeling better! Thanks for the info!

OK- didn't realize that the video was from NBC. D'oh!


Thank you for doing a story about her. I am very, very disappointed that I have seen little to no coverage about her anywhere else (I'm looking at you, NBC).

Yes. This. They gotta have someone to exploit (like you said)!

Apparently (in case anyone didn't know already,) the team copied her style to show support for her in response to the whole 'her hair looks bad' nonsense. Sweet, right?

As a naturally thin former athlete, that ad resonated with me the most, and made me cry. I truly admire (the concept of) anybody out there doing what they need to do to get or stay in shape. That kid's ran a lot farther than I have in the past year, even if he only ran that one day!

Yes. That. Yum!

Just wanted to say hello, and thanks for all the entertainment! I'm one of those people with two X chromosomes and never was interested in car-related stuff until I got hooked on Top Gear. Now I think I'm a petrolhead and can/should drive my large sedan at high rates of speed for no apparent reason. XOXOXOX!!!

Those are hilariously cute images. Thanks!

'Carly Chaikin' is the name of the young woman that plays Dahlia (thank you imdb). Which one do you think looks like Dahlia?

Yes. This.

Don't forget Zebulon "Grandpa" Walton. We all know how the kids these days love them some Waltons!

Right? It's hard not to wonder what's going on, and so fun and easy to speculate! It's like he's trying to give the impression that he doesn't care.

That would be AWESOME. Except for the (soon to be?) former Mrs. Harrison. Not that I care that they get together, but they would finally do justice to the claim they make every season that it's going to be 'The most dramatic Bachelorette finale yet'!

Sooooo... nobody is going to guess that she is/was hooking up with Chris Harrison? Nobody?? Anybody???

Merci, Gadsden! I appreciate your advice!!!

What do you mean by appropriate plastic bags? Thanks in advance!

I hope your kitten is OK, Anna!