
Good find.

It’s onion.

The Bronco really wins as a base model.

I assume you all don’t off-road a whole lot. Trust me, there are a lot of people out there wheeling $80k+ rigs. I wheel with a NA G-Wagon owner.

Pretty stoked for this, though I’d like to see some range numbers, or at least a fuel tank size. Did they have to shrink the fuel tank? If range is at least equal to the diesel, I’ll be happy. Curious to know how they didn’t compromise interior storage space if they mounted the batteries under the rear seats...

That looks great. People act as if you are using a programmer to run with all of your lights off at night. The only time this would truly alter visibility is when the car is parked and off, at which point, if you run into it... you’re the asshole. Might it have prevented the accident? Sure. So might have being able to

I think its a naive over-simplification to say that “Black Lives Matter” only means “Black Lives Matter.” There are many more nuanced arguments that are being at least loosely represented by the movement, and there isn’t really a general consensus on what those arguments are.

If the Bronco sells well enough to actually threaten Jeep’s numbers, it will be the death of the SFA on at least one of the Wrangler trims. I’d put money on it.

Except it’s still a solid rear axle, as you’ve literally just stated. Meaning all of the advantages of an IFS re: clearance don’t apply, as they would have to measure their lowest clearance point from the rear axle... meaning all of HHFP’s math is absolutely correct.

Angry cop was ready to draw on that Jeep if he processed the crash as anything but an accident.

Alternative title:

A) Those “steelies” are actually aluminum. You can check this yourself on the build and price. Could be an error, but I don’t think so, based on the slightly different look to actual steelies.

And I absolutely agree with that. I’m not going to cry for this man. I will risk an assumption here, but he likely has the means to financially recover from this easier than most. My sympathy level will be relative to his personal loss, and since I don’t know the man, I have to guess and risk being completely

Honestly, fuck you.

Are you serious? I know the Canadian dollar is weaker. Do the math. The Spark costs 4k LESS here, on a weaker dollar. The Canadian Chevy Spark price is the equivalent of $7487 US. Meanwhile you guys are actually charged $13,400 USD in the states. Even when you take average household income in both nations into

So, I often point out how we get better car deals here in Canada than you Americans do, once you take the dollar comparison into account. Sometimes people argue with me. Well, those people are dumb.

I actually googled that before thinking. Search results were thankfully forgiving. Also, I still can’t believe that’s real.

The prices here in Canada are kind of shit. A year old daily rental Tahoe with 20k on it is basically marked down 6k from a brand new one. I’d rather spend the extra 6k and get a couple of options packages thrown in at the dealer.

And as soon as you do have to use them, you’ll understand how horribly wrong you are, and how incredibly ignorant that statement is.

To be fair, Front Runner from South Africa has been taking this approach for a long time. In fact this pretty much seems like a direct copy of that rack business model.