Tragically Hipster

"Its how I was raised" is the rationalisation and excuse of every bigot Ive ever met, and Ive met a lot. It doesnt work. I was raised in a devout Lutheran family, and Im anything but. How you are raised doesnt cement your beliefs, an open mind and love for all is an easy choice an adult can make. I dont agree with

It's a bit more complicated than that, and you know it. Bigotry does not deserve tolerance, even a child can discern as much.

I have the same dilemma. I've decided not to pirate, not to ticket-switch, and probably not to see the movie. Which is a disappointment to my inner geek, but not as much of a disappointment, I figure, as is experienced by those who wish to sit in hospital beds by their dying loved ones and are denied, or those who

No one is hating him for having an opinion and voicing it. They are disagreeing with his opinion. They are also taking issue because he is not just having an opinion and voicing it. He is actively supporting legislation that would limit the rights of those he does not agree with. He has vocally stated that if the

Show some tolerance. Hilarious.

In the words of the immortal jack sparrow:

Well, if someone sore to somehow find a free version, they could watch without phitting money in Card's pocket. Not that I would advocate piracy. It's just a fac that's true

UGH this is a difficult thing. I love Ender's Game. I want to see the movie. I -hate- Orson Scot Card. WTF is a nerd to do.

Save your mean comments for your idiot friends. We are a fun-loving, beautiful group of people. You're angry because my bruise will heal but your anus will never be tight again. It was just a minor bruise and the laptop is fine, thanks.

Aww I think it's cute. Ya'll are mean. You laugh because it makes you feel superior for a moment.

You know, I hadn't even considered that, but you're absolutely right. I wonder how many copies of this abomination they've sold under those pretenses =)

That's one of the most awesomely missrepresentative dvd covers I've ever seen.

Now playing

For anyone who has never played the game the best way to understand it is to watch the Community episode where they played.

Now playing

Meh, still iffy on the whole anti-aging or "immortality" stuff. I put "immortality" in quotes because it's not true immortality. The problem I have with this is basically:

Please stop saying "nu Who". The actual word "new" is perfectly valid for the task. Thank you. :)

Yeah, none of that excuses the creepiness. The domineering mother is stereotypical, and he was only married off to temper the intense creepiness he had for at least the first two seasons.

It's hard to get passionate about something that everybody is telling you that you shouldn't be passionate about. Just creates a barrier that doesn't need to be there.

I'd stay away from any field that has this guy:

I've always wanted zombies that were undead, but otherwise perfectly normal who were only going along with the shuffling, grunting, and brain eating because of peer pressure.

He's reflecting on the whiteness of his own work, not "bitching and moaning" about the movie. Chill out.