Tragically Hipster

He's coming back in September!

I really liked Brandon Routh as Superman (even if Returns wasn't the greatest), but he still managed to be great in Scott Pilgrim as well.

If you draw an alien in your house, there could be trouble...

You sir are the most awesome Hipster on the whole internet for that comment! Amanda Tapping would be freaking awesome as the Doctor, she pulls off the nerdy girl perfectly without looking like a nerdy girl.

Come on guys, you know it would be awesome


Maggie Chen was a member of the [Prolethian] group, but infiltrated the Neolutionist organization

Holy shit! This sounds FAR more awesome than the actual plot of the film


So Third Base with yourself is OK, but First Base isn't?

We should only watch American trash, amirite? Snookies for everybody!

In order to be successful in Kerbal Space Program one does have to familiarize oneself with and make use of orbital mechanics and other related fields of science. So I agree it deserves at least a mention on SOME kind of "awesome games that actually teach people something."

Khan wasn't born after that moment, though. He was born before. Centuries before.

I don't have words, so GIFs it is.

Here's what's going through their minds: "Oh, a giant monster is attacking the city. Must be Thursday."

I so approve of a Nausicaa prequel.

In the immortal words of the Shang Tsung... "IT HAS BEGUN!"

The funny thing is that in that picture he doesn't even look white. I'm looking forward to the egg on his face when it turns out to be a white domestic terrorist.

I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite article on io9.