Tragically Hipster


Oh man I haven't seen that show in a while ... I will have to find it now.

Aww I love them.

Phish is still popular here? Geez at least it could be Grace Potter :|

For some reason I was expecting Cap America to go all evil ex # 2 in that.

I made this wish when I was 13 to live a different life in a dream; however, now I fear that I'll wake up one day and still be 13. I won't even have enough time to write down what I shouldn't have done with my life, and what I should.

I don't watch many sitcoms, but I love that show, and I love that they show their bloopers.

well that's nightmare fuel.

Don't know the first one, but the paranormal hinge is from The Vampire Dairies. The young woman is stuck in a love triangle with vampires. Probably more to it, as I've never actually sat through an episode.

True, but she's more of a rebel at heart. Otherwise I doubt she'd go and hunt when she does.

I felt that it was the tech version of charlie and the chocolate factory.

Awww almost my choice too XD

wow! I completely forgot about that series!

:) subtitles don't scare me, (unless I'm drunk, lol) and I find non-American vampire movies try to do something, maybe not different, but something with good atmosphere.

Every time I see the title, I keep reading it like that.

We are the night sort of played on this. Were the new woman, was like, "party all the time?"

Maybe the pee the plasma, or whatever the liquid part is, and digest the cells? I think Guillermo del Toro. latest vampires address this ... I think, I haven't read just from what I've heard

Ok, that makes sense.

I think I missed something but I think that was to the picture she said she was trying to be.

Not a movie, but just one scene from X-files. When I was 10 I somehow watch (I don't remember if I snuk out late at night to the living room, or if I was watching this with my mom), one of the early episodes where in one scene the bathtub filled with blood (and for the life of me I can't find the name of the ep). That