Tragically Hipster

what you mean GLaDos isn't a goddess? ! Now you have broken my faith T-T

Another reason why cybering is stupid, plus I only thought [12y.od] still did that....

Portal, Persona 3, maybe even going to be Braid. Or I'll just wait 'till next week for Braid.


I have this feeling that some of my rl friends on live would fall for this.

That is an L.O.L. moment

yay... Stuff with pretty were-wolves. Now we just need a game where you can be a were-wolf.

Bio shock, had it for my PC but with it dead at the moment I bought it for the 360. Damn I'm loving it and hell faster load times too ><

oh fuck... ehhh So the only games I've gotten motion sick from was HL2 and the Eps. (nope not from portal or any other fps.) Ehhh I hope that doesn't do it for me.

can't wait till P4 comes state side!

maybe its a good thing I can't figure out whats wrong with my PC.... since I tend to drive myself insane with achievements.....

I liked it but the melee aspect of it seemed "too easy" and "WTF I don't get it." And the camera... so used to using the right thumb stick as the camera part that it sort of ticked me off. However just from the little that I saw I was liking how the story was turning out, I didn't really read much on the plot so all

Ohhh I like the song, anyway since I don't know to much about the game I'll probably like it.

watched most of it on the first night and even donated a few bucks. I was kinda worried for them when they had that tornado warning but in the end I'm really happy for them. Every time I check up was just surprised (every time) with the amount that they had received and knowing that they got 10,000 is just awesome!

ooo nice. I liked D2 was so close to beating it till my disc was damaged....

his mohawk sucks... Usually people with them make me miss mine but this guy just makes me want to smack him for more than his stupidity.

I'm actually thinking of donating... it wont be much but thats not the point.

I was reading some of the screens and it reminds me as when playing a Malkavian in VtM: Bloodlines. Oi now thats interesting if you can figure out whats going on.

finally "finished" Oblivion (getting all the achievements) so I may get back into GTA4 or go and get a new game. Either Lost Odyssey or Beautiful Katimare.

that is freakin' awesome. If I was on my computer I would make that my new desktop image ><