Tragically Hipster

*cute noises* awww mini-bash is cute. Anyway happy birthday mini-bash only 13 more years to go 'till "real world time."

@kathartik: ... I was sort of joking ...

I love mad world. Anyway the demo isn't too bad I just haven't been able to get the hang of it just yet.

So ummm looks like there are some ninjas... ummm... not a big historical simulator type person but If i can play ninja or something I'll look at it.

he looks angrier than his drawn counter part... oh and younger for some reason /shrug

hmmm I don't remember This map from the first game. Its just been so long that I just don't remember. Anyway I like new maps.. more variety is better, but I always seems to get the luck of playing team brs in any map :P

T-T... This FF7 Fangirl is sad...

So everytime I read one of these "females are strange and alien" type articles I'm amazed on how much people for get those stats articles in (if I remember correctly) about 30-45% of games are women and that the number is rising...

sweet. For a moment I thought it would be ps3 even though by the time it came out I'd probably have it.

wow that just leaves me speachless.

Some of my friends have already pre-ordered stuff so I'm not getting anything till I see it for myself. I'm hearing that it's catering more towards the "power levelers" instead of us RP fanatics. Hey if I want to power level I'll just play a video game instead.

Oblivion. Finally started the main quest after finishing all the guilds and side quest i could find... I have so much money in the game and nothing big to spend it on, I already bought all the houses... Hmmm maybe I should go out and buy all the horses even though I have Shadowmere.

90% of all sports games. I only like hockey and baseball but then again I haven't played those two for video games in a while so I'm not too sure on if they've gotten worse of better.

Geez I'm a feminist and don't think this, but then again I've been playing the game and understand that it is a satirical view of the US. Most feminist don't understand that until both sexes are view "un-negativity" women wont be able to "gain" that equality. We've come a long way and still have some more to go but

Loved the ending lol XD. Anyway its also great to hear some one who has the same ideas to the topic as I do.

I just bought Gears of War so I'll be putting some time into that. And possibly COD4 and oblivion when I'm not kayaking.

More and more I want this book. Video games is just the "other" in society as is "terrorist."

Some more Oblivion.... Hell I'm only lvl 22 still need to get that guildmaster spot for the fighter's guild...

ummm... ff7 but thats because I'm a fan girl...