
Saying, “But other car services rape passengers too!” really isn’t the strong argument you think it is.

If Uber is covering up 99% of rape complaints, it’s pretty fucking impossible to say. At least licensed taxis are answerable to SOMEONE.

this is fucking awful, I am so angry for you. first of all, what the fuck, the DA doesn’t do “he said she said”? isn’t that like....every legal case?

Yes. Please rush to apologize to Zendesk.

At least they have dispatchers to be beholden to and trackers on their cars as well. With uber or lyft, they don't have to take you where you need to go and no central dispatcher will be wondering why the car hasn't responded or why it isn't back at the depot.

Well, pointless anecdata, but there used to be two! I seriously used to work with a guy whose last name was Raper - he married a woman at the company we worked for and she took his last name, but they changed it to Rapier. Not sure if they did the overall change at the same time or no - they weren’t people I had much

I don’t drive, and when bus routes are inconvenient, my parents always immediately suggest that I take an Uber because my brother does it all the time. I did go with my brother once, and everything was perfectly fine and pleasant, but I sure didn’t like it.

Ah, my apologies, small correction: I haven't actually done my homework but I spoke with the dog, who confirmed he was probably going to eat it.

I would too, but you allowing it to happen, by definition, means it isn’t against your will. It’s an important distinction.

I don’t suppose that would be “against your will,” would it?

They’ve had to be very careful with that because of her unapologetic support of stem cell research. They haven’t brought her out on the campaign trail since the late 1990s because of it. They had to say SOMETHING, but I have a feeling those single tweets will be all you hear from them for fear of alienating the

I had always hoped Nancy Reagan would’ve gone out in a coke-fueled rampage...

I know everyone likes to be all Reagan Reagan Reagan, but I thought she was a terrible president.

Another horcrux destroyed!

“Just Say No” the plan so dumb even Sarah Palin realizes it would never have worked.

Republicans always defend her for buying the new China because it was paid for privately. The reason people were angry about it was because the economy was in the toilet and she was swanning around like fucking Marie Antoinette. The recession of 2008 was a picnic compared to the late seventies, early eighties. Burn in

It’s very telling to me that Cruz can’t honor her without defining her by her husband.

I knew I could count on this bunch to counteract the fawning. Remember this FLOTUS counseled her husband based on astrology. So no worse than Bush Jr who took advice from warmongers with a vested, some might say conflict of interest.

She outlived her astrologer. So, good for her.

Like Hillary Clinton after her, without Nancy there would be no Reagan Presidency. The entire conservative movement should be worshipping at her feet, not the dude she dragged along to the Oval Office. Whatever her horrific and failed policies, she barely gets any credit for them because the ladies never get any