I miss my star on io9. As a millennial it made me feel special like I had accomplished something.
I miss my star on io9. As a millennial it made me feel special like I had accomplished something.
If they weren't so insanely expensive I could see wearing some of the leggings with a solid colored dress to work. I have however only paid a ridiculous amount of money for leggings once. It was totally worth it (Han's Corillian blood pants IN LEGGING FORM), but I'll never do it again.
We had a lab that had to be muzzled and sedated when she went to the vet. Fine as a puppy, but once she hit 3-4, it was like watching a mild mannered animal hulk out. She could be napping with the cats at home, but as soon as she saw his office it was like someone flipped a switch. Exam room? Full berserker mode if…
This. I used to volunteer at a bully rescue, I also used to live in SF's Lower Nob Hill where everyone has an apartment dog and they're all about 50% well trained and 50% spoiled rotten terrors. I've probably known more big love bug bullies than mean ones, and found labs and toy breeds to be the worst repeat offenders…
Valley native here who moved up to SJ. Fresno COULD be a great place, but honestly unless you're a straight, white, conservative person it pretty much sucks. I sincerely think that the city could be an excellent hub between LA and SF. 45 min flight to either LA or SF, cheap housing, a downtown that could easily be…
I have the pistol, I can vouche for it's awesomeness. I probably would have kissed someone if they had given it to me as a gif.
No you haven't. I am a young professional who hangs with other young professionals and we would NEVER do this. We've actually had the option of using an acquaintances cabin together and the first thing we agreed on was putting down a small deposit and bringing a couple of cleaning supplies. Just in case anything…
You're forgetting the scarf budget.
If the club/party scene is anything like San Fran, things get going on Thursday night and wind down on Sunday.
They are stocky, but that big block head, warm eyes and sweet smile is what makes them squee worthy. Very smooshable. Also have you ever seen one in winter gear? Nothing is cuter than a pit bull on the cafe patio with a stylish sweater on.
Same here. I can't listen to any of that now without getting incredibly stressed out. Limbaugh's angry, riled up voice in the morning is enough to out me on edge for the rest of the day, and I don't even have to really listen to what he's saying. Just his tone alone triggers aggression.
You sound fun.
I loved JL, but yeah, the writing made the odds not ever in her favor.
I went to a heathen art college deep in the big city, and it was exactly like what you just said. All walks of life (lots of international kids), all types of religions and political ideals, and we all got on fine as we navigated new waters and explored questioning our own beliefs. I know Christians, Buddhists,…
I have to move files and then reformat three hard drives tonight.
As a comic book reader Tina as the whip smart, takes no guff reporter that is Lois Lane makes sense and, is very cool.