
Jesus christ. It’s obvious that he’s a severe hoarder and isn’t truly trying to sell his cars, but the fact that he sold one out from under you for LESS MONEY is next-level scumbag (and fucking retarded on his part).

This isn’t some HOA complaining about someone working on their own weekend project in their driveway, this is a guy who had over 200 vehicles and wasn’t going to do a single thing with them. That is the level where it DOES impact other people, regardless of if it’s his land or not. Any neighbor is going to have a hard

If he did in fact live in the middle of nowhere, rather than in a municipality with zoning regulations, he could have continued hoarding to his heart’s content. Terrible take.

Some people just cannot let things go... many many years ago, when I was still a young teen I was a Sheriff Explorer for my local county. We used to go on weekends and go paint balling at the farm of a Members relative. Coming through a clearing one day I saw a Karmin Ghia Convertible just sitting there. I wanted it.

Your story needs more stars.

Fuck Ron for hoarding and destroying all those cars. He’s no hero - he’s an asshole for buying all those things and leaving them outside in the weeds. He is not to be felt sorry for and certainly doesn’t deserve articles of affection and sorrow. 

Let me offer the perspective of someone who went there two years ago, about a week after the first article was published, in the effort to buy his grey 16v scirocco:

I called him wednesday that week to ask if he still had it. he said he did. we negotiated a price of $800 and i told him I would be there between 1-2pm on

His ideas surpassed his capability and patience. 

Pair that with “also worth $3k-$4k each” and you can pretty easily understand why he wasn’t able to sell the lot quickly enough.

You have to wonder what his plans were for those cars. He doesn’t even seem like a capable mechanic, or he would’ve fixed the forklift first.

Yep. Given all the cosmetic roughness that’s a $1500 car if it runs and drives perfectly/ Given it’s been sitting so long that the front wheel is not just flat, but has been flat so long it doesn’t even rebound a little in the air, that seems pretty unlikely. Also if ran, I doubt they’d forklift it away. He should

Ron, I’ve said this before, and I’m saying it again- You deserve no slack or sympathy. You hoarded these cars with no realistic plan to ever have them on the road. People came and asked you to sell them, and you laughed at them and sent them on their way. You gloated over all the “rare”, “Worth something”, “Perfectly

“The cheapest one I scrapped [yesterday] was a $1,500 car. Everything else was $3,000 or more”

Except he didn’t at all. He tried to sell things at unrealistic prices, and then decided he could ignore the order. He’s already failed to do what he promised once, why give him another chance?

Why are you dying on this hill? I can barely tell the difference between all of those before and after photos. If a hoarder showed me a photo of their apartment and said “see, the 1986 stack of Newsweeks is gone!” I’d shudder. Forest for the trees and all that.

Driving a car from showroom new to 1 million miles in a (relatively) short period of time is a feat of driving. That’s a person who did an amazing, physical, challenge. All they had to do was maintain the car according to spec (starting with a perfect example, mind you), and just, drive a lot.

It’s ok Matt. If you want to return... we’ll be there for you.

only one man can replace him

Rowan Atkinson

Make it happen BBC