This beef has been branded.
This beef has been branded.
As a lawyer, I can say that there are an odd number of comments on Deadspin that start with "As a [insert year] law student"...
I could care less what old-school writers think. Newspapers aren't even relevant anymore.
The Fundamentally Sound Mound of Buying Rounds
1/5 of the writing is an interesting point that Black Friday is criticized in some circles while the Super Bowl is just as much a moneyfest and not as criticized by the mass media, muddled by 4/5 pseudo-academic writing and irrelevant comparisons that don't support the initial point.
I read the title of the article and got bored, can someone give me a quick recap?
I think a lot of people are against Black Friday because it's cutting into Thanksgiving, and time they should spend with their family. I also think a lot of people like football on Thanksgiving because they really don't want to have to talk to their family.
I know the Robert Evans feature is as old as the Jamboroo, but it's just so goddamn fantastic. Never change, Drew. File this comment in the "fawning suck-up" drawer. Also, I was wondering if this feature was originally inspired by the Evans interview Homer was watching on TV in an old Simpsons. "See, it's just…
Well, he does down a bottle of wine during every show, and his drunken antics are still better than some others who mix sports talk and drinking.
Every grunge kid romanticizes their Sonic youth, but the truth remains they mostly weren't very good.
You missed that I didn't miss the joke. You've meta-missed the joke.
Ninjaish is the word you're looking for.
Mixed up ethnicities pretty much defines northeast Ohio.
Baby Andy Reid is still the leader in the clubhouse.
I agree but something being offensive is not necessarily a prerequisite for the Jezebel crowd to find it offensive.
Bull Moose doesn't deserve the flak he's getting for his question. When making a hiring decision at any level, you are trying to find the right person for the job. It is easier to be colorblind when you are judging people on physical abilities—speed, jumping ability, height, etc. It is harder to assess the intangible…
"Horrifying diarrhea sludge" could refer to any number of Albert Burneko's food columns.
I would definitely go out of my way to piss on Papa John.