Thank You Reserve Clause

There's also 5) 50 years ago, the Redskins were the de facto team of white supremacy under George Marshall. The Cowboys were the only other Southern team at the time, and they had a relatively progressive racial policy for the time. Consequently, much of the black population of southern Virginia became lifelong

I'd say that beating Brazil in the World Cup knockouts, in Brazil, would be pretty glorious in and of itself.

No, you get shit for posting about not caring about soccer on a soccer-specific blog.

And yet you care enough to comment on a soccer-specific blog.

No, we just install puppet leaders instead. It's much easier to do that when you have no ethnic ties to the vanquished population.

New Staples Center chant: "Sell Don Sell"

It has to do with commuting and daily travel patterns, along with patterns of governance. People don't live in Austin and commute to San Antonio for work, generally, or vice versa. Likewise, there aren't centralized infrastructural hubs (like DFW International Airport) that are shared between the two cities.

This is true. I've been able to sleep comfortably here in Tampa for the past few months, and it has been glorious.

That actually hurt +1

So basically, above average players in New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Los Angeles and Boston, and near-Ruthian talent elsewhere? No one will argue that baseball is a fair system, but this sort of falsely intuitive argument completely ignores the role media saturation has in the development of legendary status.


That's because the Wii was a machine that played Wii Sports at the beginning, and then became a console afterwards.


What part of space? As Russians have taught us, it is humongous big.

Pictured: Why FIFA prefers soccer matches to end after two halves, rather than four quarters

Yeah not sure where you got the soft J from there. The two are pretty much homophones. Which, incidentally, will be an ESPN segment featuring a bigoted electronic conversation about Jason Collins on First Take sometime this week.

Man, if there were only some internet meme to express how little Mathieu most likely cares about this...

Kim gets fat, and Kris divorces her. What an asshole.

Move up to Jersey and you'll never deal with a left turn again

Wait, did he just out Mark Sanchez?