Thad Castle

And it is fun to say!

Aren't Micmacs the ones who made the Pet Cemetary? You stay away from me and my cat.

NOW do you see what gay marriage is doing to 'Merica

Now he'll never be a Royal.


Is that one of dem dere illegal aliens?

It's the 7th inning, why are there still people at a baseball game in LA?

So much good here:

So you know there is a wizard that watches us, because of a book written by men, that copies stories written by earlier men. And you have wasted your whole life living in fear of a fake mean sky daddy. Good luck with that, naive one.

Are those dots really small or is my eyesight bad because of all the internet porn I look at?

What's with the 16 year old mall cops dressed like mounties? Do they expect to be taken MORE seriously that way?

There is no designer, besides those in fashion. Why did you drag the ad hominem issue of race here? Are you trying to be the biggest bigot possible to get into your god's graces? I imagine praying to god when bullets start flying is nothing but regressing to childhood when everything felt safe. Might as well cry for

I think the worst part must be seeing his life as bulletpoints on a bland powerpoint slide.

Actually, fundamentalism is a freak on nature. You delude yourself into dogmatic belief in myths. And sorry, there have been too many gods in the past to care about capitalizing the word. Now if it is a formal name, like Zeus or Odin, then it is OK.

Why don't you ask god? I didn't know fundamentalists were that inept. Thank you for teaching me something new.

But God failed? How can that be?

I can almost hear the southern preacher: "Cake, kissing, and happiness is the gateway to hell-a"

Rutgers loves a little sport in their violence.

However, it should be legal to piss on a Nike sign.