
Because the police wanted to punish her for being black and female.


Exactly. Kids don’t understand engines but we don’t hide cars from them. Until they are 16.

Key factor here: you CHOSE to take a bit of time to think. No law is forcing a woman to HAVE THAT ABORTION RIGHT THE FUCK NOW NOW NOW NOOOOWWWWW but there are laws which are preventing women from having the procedure when they want it because lawmakers seem to think we must be FORCED TO THINK IT OVER. As if we aren’t

I’m just going to wait for the Satanists to save us from this armadillo shit.

The issue isn’t abortion. It’s women having sex at all. FIFY

I was (and still am in) a hi-pop Day 1 RP server with a strong PvE streak. It was no fun being the guild group whose tank was taking a day off the day you were going to do that Heroic Shattered Balls run.

There used to be a dedicated LFG channel but unfortunately it turned into Barrens Chat rather quickly, and was removed within...I wanna say a week. Maybe it was longer. I liked the concept of connecting verbally before connecting as a party, but it was too open to abuse by shitheads looking for new trolling venues.

That’s when it pays to cultivate curiosity during times of boredom. I became an *ahem* explorer. There were places before Cata that were “impossible” to get to (and a few afterward too) which required nothing more than a little creative terrain navigation to see. (In-game only, d/c exploits are cheating.)


I wish he’d get it.
Unfortunately, many abusers are clueless even after karma bites their dicks off.

Except for that one which is more suited to be a soap dish in the basement restroom.

I have to watch this show in the execution of my job. Worse, we have to record it on DVR to broadcast it, which means I actually have to pay attention to it in order to know when to switch to commercial breaks instead of just keeping half an eyeball on it to ensure the picture and sound are ok. I HATE THIS SHOW SO

I also remember trying to get a group together for heroics before LFG. If your guild wasn’t on at the time, it was *nuts* trying to get a decent PUG together. Trade Chat was clogged with LFM messages. I do miss the race to be the first to the summoning stone but I don’t miss what went along with pre-LFG.

One question: does this company sell a perfume that smells *exactly* like a magnolia? Because smelling those things (during May) are the highlight of my year. Otherwise, they’re just big flowers that turn nasty brown after a couple weeks and by June all the delight is gone.

Dishwashing gloves or latex work great.

I learned this a bit late, after seeding some lovely red chili peppers.

Even my hands burned for hours. Had to slather coconut oil on them to get the burny pepper oils off.

Cool, buy me a house with a dishwasher connection. And a dishwasher.


Then bug off. Soapy water with a bleach tablet and nylon brush 4EVA.

OMG those are scary calls. When I was a “0” operator, I got a few calls from people who were either too upset or injured to dial 911. **shiver** (We connected them to emergency services and unless the caller asked to be left in the queue, I stayed on the line keeping them occupied and comforted until an emergency

That’s my daddy too, bless him. Especially with a tall, cold glass of ice worter.

OH that. I even see peeps *spell* it “sirracha”.
If they can’t spell it can’t they at least call it Rooster Sauce?

I pointedly look at the ocean, then back at them, and say, “I don’t know about you, but I’m about 4 feet.”

It’s because the green ones are unripe and the other colors are ripened, so the flavor is developed and rich (plus more vitamin C).