I doubt not your shit. Next will be whole eggs in the shell, "No sugar added."
I doubt not your shit. Next will be whole eggs in the shell, "No sugar added."
I mean, yes, if you feel the bads if you eat gluten, then please by all means find all the foods that have a complete lack of it! But gluten is only in things that have grains of some sort. SALT IS NOT A GRAIN.
Horrid English tends to irritate me...however as someone in love with language evolution I'm also fascinated by how casual speech is transforming so quickly. Because the Interwebs.
Cuz the other day I actually found a box of salt that said, "Gluten free" on the package. I didn't have my phone with me to photograph it. Next they'll have Gluten Free water.
In that top pic...which one is the wrinkly old grey guy?
I'mma back away from that.
Well then. Maybe people with souls should hit A&E where their wallet gets stuffed from: their sponsors. Find out who runs spots during commercial breaks, then tell other folks with souls who these sponsors are, and then all the people with souls contact the sponsors and ask them if it would be ok if we never buy…
"that curried goat would never be served in the American South"
Wut? I live in Montgomery and we have a restaurant that serves curried goat.
Emotional and psychological abuse are listed on U.S. Department of Justice website as forms of domestic violence, and are against the law.
It's a pity though that it's never, ever prosecuted.
For a second I thought you were talking about the legendary jockey...gods I need another vacay.
"I just want to add that I was born not to far from this area (I keep close ties there, as a matter of fact) and NOPE, Ms. Claudia Davis, your opinions certainly do not reflect all those of the good people of Mobile County. Not in the least, girl."
**pokes my head out of Montgomery**
Not here either.
I got a wee taste of this when I was married. But that's because my husband was horrible, and would combine anything that was in the same season of the year. My Bday is 7 years after Steve Irwin's, and always got combined with Xmas and Valentine's. Except my husband always thought my birthday was sometime in late…
Thank you! I lost all my Bloom County compilations a year ago in a fire. I'm glad you could clarify it for me.
And you left a really important kind out: emotional abuse. That doesn't break your body, but it breaks your spirit, and some people never come back from that.
OMG breathing hard can't cry I'm at work. Thank you for pointing this out. I love you.
Unfortunately I cannot prove this as my entire collection burned in a fire about a year ago. But I can be wrong or have remembered it incorrectly.
That. Right there. This was Capitalism At Its Finest.
I don't understand why the biggest fans of the show don't understand this. Louisiana is a Right To Work state. They should be praising Capitalism for working as intended.
But didn't it turn out he was a puffin after all?
I can't watch this at all today, can I wait a day or two? On my bike home from work today I had to move a dog's body off the road. No collar, no tag...
Oh can't you take a joke? Can't you tell I was joking?
Protip: it's a tactic of psychological abuse
Do your boobs hang low?
Do they wobble to and fro?
Can you tie them in a knot?
Can you tie them in a bow?
Can you throw them over your shoulder?
(You'll be able to when you're older.)
Do your boobs hang low?