I recognize the (now new) widow in the video from several commercials. One of them is for some diabetes blood tester. She's kinda hot.
I recognize the (now new) widow in the video from several commercials. One of them is for some diabetes blood tester. She's kinda hot.
Now eat them Gungnam style!
Outdoors would bother me. Too much sunlight around.
I did. Did It on the 360 too. Nothing wrong with free avatar gear!
I like the interactive questions part. Plus, I want the armor.
I love Enter the Ninja. Been a while since I've seen it though. That is priceless. Makes me wanna watch it along with Revenge of the Ninja and Ninja 3: Domination.
Slot motion is my fav!
The problem with hats today isn't the fact that they can be crushed and deformed, the problem is is that nobody seems to know how to wear one properly. I'm sick of the flat bill offset from the center of the forehead look.
$900 dollars when released, on sale at Fry's one year later for $35. :)
They think he's mexican.
I've watched most of the GTA4 mod videos that have been posted here. Why does each one seem to have nothing but cabs driving around? Just wondering.
This is great news! Loved the series, but stopped after the third game. I even have the original Hero's Quest, before it got changed.
What a waste of time and space.
Working in the factories!
She could play center in the NFL.
As soon as I heard 'Heavenly Star' on the XBL version of Lumines, I downloaded it immediately. I still listen to it all the time!
I'd turn to the dark side for that!
I had to put a soundbar in our master bedroom finally. I've got LCDs and plasmas throughout the house and they all use the TV's built in speakers except our/my media room (7.2 setup) and den (5.1) setup.
I think it'd add to the fun of Curiosity if it did blast one song - per day - on a loudspeaker. You never know what may happen...
Needs some Daft Punk!