
In the summer of '01, they played (unannounced) up the highway in College Station at one of our hole-in-the-wall bars in northgate. I had graduated in December '00 but was still living and working in CS during '01.

I didn't have epilepsy before, but now I do.

Where's the Comedian when you need him?

A Saved by the Bell game. Either a fighting game where each character has his/her own arena like SF (Slater in the gym, Zack at The Max, Jesse at a protest, Screech in a science lab, Lisa at the mall, Kelly at a football game, etc.). Belding could be the big boss, and you could toss in Tori and a couple more

Impressive, that is.

I like the potential here, but it looks like they turned most of the useful features into games.

I really like this art style. It kind of looks like a Mario game for pre-teens - something I'd let my nephews play when they come visit!

Was gonna say the same thing!


Check yourself before you wreck re-wreck yourself!

Intellivision, Return of the Jedi, and Pac-Man.

I've got a PC, Wii, PS3, Dreamcast, and two out of my four 360s all connected.

Is this serious? I'd rather dig out my MS and play that version instead.

I knew this was coming!

He's made some interesting/deadly stuff.

Also, this sure looks like a big waste of money - for Sony and the consumers.

Let's face it people, there's only one way to get unstressed with Lucy - and it doesn't involve any office products or yoga.

It took me a while to remember where I've seen that walk before...

What was wrong with the original commenting system to begin with? It was plain and simple, easy to read or sort through posts, AND it worked . Newest post at the top, and replies collapsed or not. That was basically it.

The only way this game can be fun is if it plays like the original Blitz games.