Are you fucking stupid? That’s the best version of the car. My mom has a 2003 Lincoln Town Car Cartier L, and this is the best upgrade for her. Money not a problem.
Are you fucking stupid? That’s the best version of the car. My mom has a 2003 Lincoln Town Car Cartier L, and this is the best upgrade for her. Money not a problem.
My PC originally came with Vista. When I installed Windows 7, it upgraded Vista to 7, keeping all my programs and files intact. However, that was because Vista and 7 were both installed as 32-bit. Had I decided then to switch to 64-bit 7, it told me it would erase everything, that’s why I stuck to 32-bit when…
Why? Tits.
Yeah, for the first time, earlier this year. My nephews and niece were visiting. My nephews are 14 and 11 - niece 4. I had them all set up in my guest room, and my oldest nephew and I were playing Mortal Kombat. We were both sitting on the floor leaning up against the bed. For some reason my niece decided to jump off…
That blonde, I did a double take, because I thought it was a slightly younger and skinnier Melissa Joan Heart.
How do I print this article correctly? I checked my print preview and it was all messed up.
First of all, fuck Obama and Chuck Hagel for their DOD budget cuts. Now we got Boeing stopping the C-17s and now the A-10. THE most effective air to ground support craft in the world is going to be ceased. Now, are they going to stop making them, but keep them in service or retire them completely? So they weren't the…
There are two things I've been robbed of that I want back. One of them is the OG TechTV, and the other is Firefly.
This sounds good if you're an achievement whore. Get the achievements for the 360 edition, then get them over again for the One edition. I've got achievements for the XBLA Uno, Uno on my WP8, and Uno on my Win8 tablet. Same thing for Wordament. I got some achievements when I had my WP7, got a few more when I upgraded…
Excellent selection.
Or showing any cleavage.
So... banging on broken glass with a hammer repairs the window?
Ring Pop!
When they make the angry face and show their teeth, it reminded me of Neo 'seeing' Smith after Neo was blinded.
I recognized that song immediately.
Um, is that a cat smoking in that chair?
Why do they even bother giving Leo swords or Raph Sai(s)? No one ever gets stabbed or cut unless it's a robot or something.
Second request...please present hall pass.
This game was badass for the SMS. It was pretty much Ikari Warriors. Was a sonofabitch to beat too!