Finally! A code worth scanning...
Finally! A code worth scanning...
Han Solo looks like Roger Wilco.
I've seen several places that indicate it's coming to XBLA. Haven't read a thing about the PSN though.
I always imagined an awesome SBTB game - in the form of Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat. Each main character and a few other regulars could make up the cast, and each person has their own fight location. You could have Slater in the Gym, Zack at The Max, Screech in a Science Lab, Lisa at the Mall, Kelly at Cheerleader…
My mom turned me on to 'I Love Lucy' when I was nine. I've been watching it ever since (33 now). I love the fact that the Hallmark Channel frequently runs Lucy marathons. The only thing that bothers me about their marathons is they only show the California and Europe episodes. This weekend though, they threw in the…
That girl is extremely beautiful.
Very misleading title.
Why is that person in the pink shirt covering their ears?
A tap on the shoulder is not assault. He'll probably find a shady doctor to manufacture his "injuries".
Could've been DK and one of those exploding barrels..
"The cause of this explosion was a cooper thief...".
Either there are too many liberals in this discussion, or too many longhorns. Probably both.
I only watched the first few seconds of gameplay, but that power-up looked like it turned a little school girl into a freaked out crackhead.
This is what a lightsaber duel looks like at the Jedi retirement home.
I hate the coverage of this story because they always show Rebekah Brooks - and she is the definition of FUGLY.
I think it's just an updated networking solution. Sony realizes that Windows is the leading OS on most computers. Therefore, Microsoft provides PS3s and PSPs access to Windows for streaming capabilities for movies, music, and pictures.
It is mentioned, under the Tuesday Section.
Nancy Grace is one of the most annoying cable news anchors out there.
I'll take some Clarissa (and her awesome computer games btw), Alex Mack, and Sixteen.
Dear diary.....jackpot.