

Geez! I've got the Dell Inspiron Duo with a 10" screen, and it's max resolution is 1366x768. It does put a bit of a strain on my eyes if I read too much - I can't imagine 2048x1536.

I had a feeling that you meant 'component' when you were saying 'composite'.

You can't play or watch anything in HD using a composite cable. A composite cable will only give you an SD picture (480i). Hell, you need a component cable to get a 480p ED picture.

Stun 'em, kick 'em in the balls, and if you feel the urge - piss on 'em too.

Link is smokin' hot.

REALLY cool looking, but too weak for my taste. If they come out with a more powerful 2.1 or 5.1 system like Logitech or Klipsch- count me in!

I always called the Sierra Hint Line, but my dad made sure that I kept it short!

I was on the marketplace about 9:30 central time and I didn't see it.

Don't forget the beer can cooker.

That's the smallest Jumbo jet I've ever seen!

Looks and sounds great!


Just go buy a long silver dildo and bend it in that position.

Which member was holding the bat? Who's the girl @1:34 in the video? And @3:02?

Who's the girl in the 3rd pic?

Man, I hate seeing that one guy that looks like a neanderthal.

I second that motion!

Why I would actually buy a new console: