I foresee the mob ordering plenty of these shredders.
I foresee the mob ordering plenty of these shredders.
I like this idea. Voice control would be nice in any game. Motion sensing might help in some games, which is good too. Not all games need Kinect support, but the important thing here is that the Kinect option is just that - optional. So what if Gears or Forza have Kinect options. If you don't want them, simply turn…
I want something like this too, and also questioned the point.
Waste of time.
I thought is was Rorschach.
Yoda is in the game?
They should've just gone with 'PSP2'. Same for Nintendo - 'Wii2'.
No, you're not. I see them all the time and the more I see, the more it pisses me off. I gave that show a chance, I really did, but it is not funny at all. Just add it to the amazingly long list of shitty shows that adult swim airs.
Yeah that is a good idea. SD or ED - 480i or 480p, respectively live the Wii.
It doesn't say, I guess Nintendo hasn't announced it yet. All I read in the story was: "6.2" touchscreen on New Controller, running in non-HD resolution".
Too bad they couldn't have at least got the controller screen in 720p.
"...mad guy who flew that place one meter from the ground..."
Dammit, you beat me to it!
They just need to make a game where everything is made out of blood. You control a character who is covered completely with blood and he/she shoots blood out of their hands and kills enemies who are different shapes but covered in blood and when you kill them they turn into blood fountains and its hard to navigate…
Well said!
Well said! All we're looking at here is an unfinished product that still has plenty of time to tune up.
Too funny!
I agree. Not only have we not seen any indication that the U.S. is interested in cross-country or cross-state high speed trains, they can't even update subways and elevated trains to this type of technology. Maybe they fear the backlash of the railroad industry - or even worse - the airline industry. Well, both of…
That was really great!
Looks like Conan O'Brien's gay brother.