
@norbizness: I agree. I read the article and it sounds a lot more reasonable then it was summarized. Deadspin tends to do that though. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. /shrug

@WonderingIsAll: It's from an SNL sketch with Steve Martin. I actually think it's quite asinine to be that sensitive about his comment. It's also very naive to think that "everyone with money problems [should] live outside their means". That is not true in the slightest—however common it may be.

I think it's a better objective to create a game that is fun and entertaining, all the while adding reference to personal opinion or important subjects. These sort of references open up the market for your game and address those that are willing to listen as opposed to those that just want to play the game. What this

Wow, I didn't find this helpful at all. Most of what was said to be 'annoying' was completely nitpicky. I know the article said this wouldn't fit for some people, but the "Needless, Nagging, Euphemisms" seem a bit harsh.

Did anybody else notice that the image is from Wendy MacNaughton? I thought she "Said Goodbye". Though I do like the work! =)

@Foxhack: Actually, you should rethink this. I'm all for the mini display port. In fact were seeing more and more graphics cards coming with them. The mini display port, in this case (and soon to be most), provides HD video and audio in and out. That's one port for all of that!

@AngryChiefsFan: Hey, it's lonely being a Chiefs fan. I hear you though. From OP, KS here.

Anyone else not able to track their iPhone 4? I ordered through and if I follow the link on their website that redirects me to FedEx's tracking site I am only given an error. I decided to try the Package Tracker Lite and it gave me an error as well but with a different message: "Tracking service not purchased

@TheseGoTo11: Yeah it took me about 2 hours in total over company wifi. I didn't mind though. I guess if you just sat there and waited for it it would be extremely annoying.

Maybe this was already foreseen but is anyone else not able to change the background of their homescreen/app pages (not lock screen)? I don't have the option on my iPhone 3G. I just think that is silly if that's not possible.

I ordered mine on 7am CT on 6/15 and mine shows as shipped on 6/17

@Ghrunter: This is not a flame: I just thought I'd let you know the 'pump-up' on the iPad launch is totally justifiable. It's pure science that they do this. If you get your workers excited about the product then they will absorb that emotion and, hopefully, convey it to the customer. They do this all the time at Best

@Matt da brat on da wheels of steel: Not that I'm here to hate on the hater but you did say Android in your post and talk about how people will realize that it's better than the iPhone.

I got my preorder in at 7:00am this morning. I checked my bank account and it has successfully been charged.

The wiimote uses RF sensors. Wireless does not interfere. But It's Shiggy, so I give him some extra room.

I'm still looking for a free task management application just for school/work use (not professional product management, if that matters).

@crimsoneye: Cuz lord knows we should just turn a blind eye to both of them ...

I'm sorry, but how do you not put the England v. US game on there. If you want to capture one of these nations games you should capture THAT game. boo, not interested.