
Has anyone bothered to lock the door to the roof for christ sakes?

Does every pre-production AutoCAD render have to include Segways?

@KefkaticFanatic: How can someone pen that and not think of innuendos. I mean, sure, I might not be the most mature adult on the block but come on ... I mean ... he's bent over

Okay, if your going to bring back the old maps, bring back the ones people actually liked. I know it's subjective so take this at face value, but, I'm pretty sure the vast majority of people tended to like Broadcast and Crossfire ahead of Vacant and Strike (Vacants not to far behind though) ... and as a joint rant

@AchromaticMagus Loves Wotter: I do believe you just proved that it IS a console. The display device just being internal. Your just hung up on a "home console" versus a "handheld console." The nicknames of both tend to hide the title. /shrug.

A few critiques from someone who's read the books (namely The Fall of Reach where they outline the creation of the spartans):

@THE_MOOGLEKING: WE-BE-LOyal SCOUTS ... is how it is supposed to be read.

@Miyomei: If you were annoyed after the first paragraph then you could have stopped reading it. Or if you'd rather it have been a typical biography full of adjective littered short stories and a chronological (left-justified /gasp) format any simpleton with a keyboard could write, head over to

@AzzA-D: Food for thought, Pure Revenue =/= Pure Profit. Guaranteed Cameron made more off his movie then any single person at Activitsion Blizzard or Infinity Ward off this DLC.

@OW-Holmes: I do believe your misinterpreting him. Sure, knowingly buying into a limited licsence agreement and getting upset that it doesn't work outside its limitations would be annoying; however he is pointing out the iTunes store as a whole. If you were to go buy a song off [] you would be able to use it

*emails Plunkett*

Okay, here is my take on it. First thing I thought of while waiting for the unveiling was that this thing was going to have a lot more capacity then netbooks, rivaling a laptop, and be sub-$1000. Obviously I was wrong on the specs and right on the price. The combination of the two do not make this product great.

Is this a screenshot from the upcoming movie? (/sarcasm)

@Kermi: I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say. Let me rephrase. "Why is this news?" I've been reading Kotaku for some time, weird how I know that it's a video game blog. I know it's not journalism's finest. I also know that the Kotaku editors would not like to be made akin to Twitter, which is what this

Um ... plenty of people can do this. I fail to see how this makes Ice=T 'awesome' at MW2. This proves he can use a controller and kill a few peeps. Is this an objective based game? If so yipee for killing people ... SS his barracks and we'll talk