
Why do people just instantly assume that this artist a) didn't ask for permission or b) handled the kids like "toys". It's a photo. You know, you have like 3,000 of them in a box some where or stored online that show your life in moments such as these. This is an artist who simply collected them as they happened.

Terran updates really aren't that impressive. Protoss got seriously buffed with this one.

Not that I appreciate all these social attributes of facebook but ... what is facebook about if not for these subjects? You make it sound like it needs to be a resume with a portrait of my life that you have to like.

It's about semantics, not the messages existence. It's a PR term called "knowing your customer" ... groundbreaking as it may seem, there actually is a right and a wrong way to communicate to your user base. Kyle is pointing out a way in which it effected him specifically. And I'd put my money on the fact that he's not

All I see is "Anon" ... feelsgoodman.jpg

Yeah man I completely agree, just like those undercover agents who snitched out Osama Bin Laden. I mean, getting paid to find a malicious organization—after gaining their trust no less—such a rat. At least Seal Team 6 had the good sense to show their intentions...

I play too much League of Legends ... I read "Briny Deep" and instinctively thought of Fizz.

Portal is incredibly dark. It has undertones of corporate greed and an endless thirst for knowledge that climaxes in failure. It's environment serves as a reminder of Aperture Science's terrible history. Valve portrays GladOS and the use of lab rats such as Chell as an abomination. Did you even play the games? Yeah,

Then you're dumb enough to walk all the way to the club and back without ever going inside.

Seriously that was super awkward. It's like a train wreck of a Swimfan movie.

This is like the equivalent of a lemonade stand for Adults. So sad, I would have bought a magazine!

I was laughing when I saw that feature because ... um ... yeah, like the whole movie isn't even set in a remotely copyable environment through real means.

This immediately reminded me of Animal Crossing. There was a carpet for every pattern imaginable. Now if only Tom Nook was real ...

LOL I did the same thing and was like what ... no it must be a picture of mountains or something. I'm just being a pervy college male.

So he's committing rudimentary "Facebook Creeping" pre-Facebook. I imagine this is the guy that has 12000 friends—only 5 of which he knows—and pokes the hell out of them daily.

So much win for an Outlaw Star reference... greatest show to end after only a season!

It is, but only for because of the trade embargo. Ironically, since then, Honduran cigars and other cigar producing countries have grown almost as good, if not better, tobacco than Cubans. Anymore, those that pay for Cubans generally like their distinctive flavor or want to have the "cool" factor of attaining that

Even "The Game" uses TweetCaster ... it must be good

It truly isn't I'm more or less picking your brain on it. I just don't see how "older less tech savvy" correlates to a good demographic when I'm releasing a "new tech" product. No, I'm not privy to their market research nor do I think they would spend money uselessly. I think they think it will do well. I'm just with