
I had just under 300 days played back to back on WoW ... that doesn't count does it

@TheExiledLeader: ?? wth are you talking about. +1 for a vague and archaic use of a disappointment.

okay ... whiffing the "freakin' bag" was so badly intentional ... -_-

Everything is big in ... Germany?

This IP has sooo much potential. Please don't fuck this up.

@Marios_shadow: Honestly dude, if your going to go that far ... just go to the gym lol. Or buy said 6-8 lb dumbbell lol

Oh yeah, put it in legal jail for a while then release it once the storm blows over

@bangbangblah: Thats not going to happen in your timeframe. I estimate they should have a new console out by 2012 or they will seriously be licking the heels of Sony and Microsofts footsteps.

Does anyone remember those screens for a Zelda sequal when the Gamecube first came out? I'm not talking about Windwaker. I'm talking about the screens that looked hi-def quality back in 2001 ... then all of a sudden they went the stencil paper route witih Windwaker and I kept wondering where it went ... now it's 2009

@Yossarian: Please tell me you made this up; because this was so epic if you did. I almost laughed out loud in my colleges 'silent' computer lab.

Omg, my computer froze on Kotaku for like 30 minutes. *finds lawyer* ... *mumbles something to lawyer * ... *points in the direction of Kotaku tower* ... *cackles* = $$$ /end

@Frazzlet: ... wierd ... using MW pictures for a non-image-breaking story on MW2 ... Oooo

@ThreeOneFive: Yeah dude, I freakn' killed someone, quit getting onto me about it. Not like I crapped on his face...

I enjoyed this but man do you need to paraphrase this. This is by no means a Kotaku style article. Not that it has to, but; as my public speaking teacher used to say: "know your audience" I doubt most of the people who actually saw this article finished the entirety of it.

@Quaro: The thing that irkes me is this: no more can I say "yeah I beat XXXXX title on hard mode!" ... now I have to somehow prove that I did not use Kind Code ...

@WhatTheFrag: Your mistaking this list for a "Most Popular" or "Viral" list. This list is for "Top Grossing" ... i.e. "wtf is makin' money" ... as we all know, this doesen't always translate as "The Best Game 3v3r"

@Witzbold: Dude, cuz mario is from the shogunate period and he would undoubtedly be requested to plumb the harshest of scenarios.

They just had to rehash KU losing to Syracuse didn't they ... *cries*

@endaround: Your link shows it's DDB Brazil ... are you daft?