
@lamelikemike: Naivety at it's finest ladies and gentlemen ...

@artanis: No, no, no, and no.

@Matthew Ridgaway: Yeah because I only use drug trafficking to make money not use em' duh.

@RoflChoppa: I'm with brokenscope on this one. Why are you even bringing this up? The post that mentions modded Wii's is talking about how it's more then just the modded ones that are broken.

Glad I haven't done it yet!

I loved every minute of the short and, to be honest, I want more. I think my sentiments carry to the rest of the fanbase as well. Much like using a test site for a new product, I think this short was designed to see how fans would react to a possible movie. Imo, this is a gauge for whether going forward with a movie

Tradewinds 2 from Handmark

@Yossarian: I remember the show being the shit when I was young. Then, when I was in that phase where I was almost too old for the series, they released like three different ones related to like space, dino's, and ninjas. I was almost in tears at not being able to keep up with the idiocy. Then the movie came out ...

They forgot one cosplayer ...

Vind Diesel as colossus, Shia LaBeouf or Elijah Wood crawling up his face ... this could be more epic then Asteroids.

We just went from gamer girls to "step father" real fast ... I feel so dirty right now

Or mod one for thirty bucks ... thanks for the price hike Microsoft.

Somehow I think this is going to be a problem for a few months ... do they do studies on how much that turns off their customer base?

Alienware - "misunderstanding their consumers wallet since— fuck it — forever"

@Jimmy Tran: you would be right, I have a grudge with Mad Catz previous controller. I'll keep those emotions in on these ones -_- ...

Mad Catz - "helping waste management facilities one controller at a time."

What I would give to meet Kojima...

"Hey kids ... *sniffs* smells like a good day today doesn't it? How bout some video games huh? Everyone in the back of the van wooo hoooo!!"

This is like the biggest selling point of RB for me lol ... not that big a fan of the game but I already have the hardware, huge fan of FotC.