Alright alright guys, the tone I presented that argument was a little hostile, so I’m sorry about that.
Alright alright guys, the tone I presented that argument was a little hostile, so I’m sorry about that.
Haha that’s exactly what I was thinking.
Wow, those whimpering noises she's making after the crash are absolutely chilling, and terrifying. I wish I was there to help her!
So what’s the problem with this report? Obviously you feel something is wrong with it; this article has the "I Feel Gassy" tag. That tag simply denotes an article that expresses contempt towards anything non-electric, Republican, or something larger than what that particular thing is being compared to.
Two people are dead and one is critical. No one has any information regarding ownership or fault, so who are you to say both of these 24 year olds are idiots, or that one of them didn’t necessarily own the car?
Shame this beast had to be wasted on such a lame video...
BOB LUTZ! A great American badass that knows what the fuck he’s doing!
Where’s that lovable bastard Kiwi when you need him?
Awesome I’ll check it out.
I’ve never actually watched that. When and where is it on?
If F1 races consisted primarily of creatively shot vignettes of the design, engineering, and construction processes, I’d likely tune in more often.
Dear Redneck / Raptor hating commenters:
Alright, I enjoy and agree with your predictions about the movie.
God gave us that little slice of Hell called Carrot Top to prove that Hell is a very real place, and you really don’t want to go there.
The commercial was certainly not fall off your chair hilarious, but it was somewhat entertaining; I was more referring to good observational humor as a whole.
Shiner is always good enough, my friend!
I don’t even know what you don’t mean.