
As a matter of fact, I happen to have a Massive Ordinance Penetrator that could use a good pulling.

Huh, those exact same OZ wheels were on a black MKIV Supra Turbo I had a while back. Weird to see them in this old Motorweek clip!

These little Italian fellas sure love to lose wheels in accidents.

Heh, douches.

Awesome, awesome, awesome. This guy's an inspiration, and a good message to everyone complaining about your terrible lives, it's not that bad.

How about you throw on some fatigues, head over to the desert, get all of your limbs blown off by some jihad terrorists, hop in a car you've never driven with a manual transmission, and do the same thing?

And THAT, is something to be proud of.

Awe, that's adorable!

I wouldn't be surprised. Or 458 Italias will be banned, because they're just too attention grabbing. Or cameras will be banned, because allowing people to legally own cameras might enable someone to put themselves in a dangerous situation like this.

You sir, are an American Patriot. And I have a new iPhone background.

I don't understand the mindset that, when a car company known for making a particular type of vehicle makes a different type of vehicle, it's somehow a travesty punishable by death.

"Here's to another year of Floridian insanity, and making Texas look good by comparison."

Unbelievable. Thanks for sharing this one, Benjamin.

It is a handsome little fella.

Haha well, that was satire, but you make a good point!

Good first step. It probably won't be easy to implement a comprehensive bus-ban this early in the game. Let's start there, then move to limiting them to 7 MPH, and drivers are only allowed 14 minute shifts. That should get the ball rolling.

'Twas a clever witticism, grasshopper.

Time for polarizing comment #567 today:

No, but they have heard about money, and that's what they get - albeit not very much - for being ahead of schedule.

Haha much obliged, my friend.