
If I understand the process correctly, this should in no way be taken as anything near a final design; that is to say, its anonymity as a concept is normal and just a representation of its general profile. So I always take the little details of a concept car like that with a grain of salt.

Asking "are American muscle cars better than imports?!" is like asking if sex would be better with an American Victoria Secret model or a foreign one.

That’s true love right there, folks.

I'd just take whichever is more expensive, then sell it to buy something actually worth driving.

Yep. I thought it was going to be stupid.

I like these guys. And I especially love drifting beat up but still glorious Japanese sports cars. It adds the fun of not having to worry about damaging panels and running into your buddies.

Here are the high strength forged aluminum connecting rods used in our drag cars!

This was a great interview, thanks!

Hmm, as others have pointed out, that looks like the new Viper, and it looks like the new Corvette, and it looks like every other new car on the market today, as well.

Sorry bud, no one finds your anti-American comments funny here. Not even non-Americans. If you like us, then come on over and have a beer! If you don’t like us, stay they hell out of our country.

Don’t know ya, but I’m glad you got out of that, man. It really is a horrible place to be.

Yes… This is arguably a bit cooler.

I agree with that. How about both? I’m okay with that option.


Gorgeous. Ridiculous? Yes, but that’s the point, and it’s gorgeous.

I’m throwin a flag on 2nd gear.

This vehicle appears to suffer from very, very slight understeer.

Now that’s a thing of beauty.

Ah Quita, this is why KVUE promoted you to the big leagues. Well done Miss Culpepper.

Notwithstanding the entertaining Airplane! jokes, I am confused by this situation.