
GM has been hinting at the engine powering the wheels for quite some time. And, if Edmunds had bothered to read any of their own sources (or Jalop to check their sources before running these pieces) they would've seen these quotes:

@Zadkiel: And to reference your Leaf comment, yes while under electric power your miles per gallon of gasoline is infinity because you are not using gasoline. Pretty simple to understand.

@Pavement clawing maniac: The Volt's main target customers will rely on the gas engine very little, assuming they charge it nightly. But even in gas, how often do you do more than 100 miles a day? It's nice to know that a about a third of that trip is gas-free.

@Ray Wert: It's a source, you didn't mind me using PM links. It refutes your original article, oh well.

@Zadkiel: Seems like they are:

Meanwhile, in Lieberland:

@LPscuderiaSV: Words straight out of Matt Farah's mouth, not your's.

In an attempt to gain more viewers, V8 supercars will now randomly release a Kangaroo into racing traffic.

@sinikl: Spend 500 on a turd gen, put in a $9500 small block Chevy.

"#2 1971: GM — The Original Unintended Acceleration"

I swear, if I see one of these I'm going to screw with it more than a fresh "Student Driver" car.

@Slowlane: Obviously there's a liability concern with new technology. There has to be someone there to drive it in the event of a failure.

Best one of the day!