T e t t e s

Fuck these guys, if they don't want to do their jobs, fire them like any other employee and hire new ones. How hard will it be to find new employees for a job that requires a high school education and 3 months of police academy? The UAW is always criticized for being union thugs etc etc, but these police unions are a

Say, for argument's sake, it is confirmed that Leelah suffered from clinical depression (which hasn't been confirmed). Depression has treatment options. If a child is physically sick, and the parents deny treatment and subject the child to circumstances that perpetuate the illness, they are still at fault for the

Why do people who aren't religious care about who else is gay? (I didn't include the religious bc they often won't leave anyone the fuck alone about anything, & none of it is their own business, either). Anyway, I don't get the Adam Corolla's out there who are regular, anonymous people. Many public personalities will

It says right in her last note that it's a suicide note. Her walking in front of that truck was not an accident, like her mother said. They're ignoring everything she wrote, just like they did in life. Goddamnit.

They will. But they'll never admit it. They'll blame it on "society today" or something, say god works in mysterious ways, or that their child was mentally ill. Not mentally ill with depression, but mentally ill with sexual deviance.

Fort Bragg High School is a public institution, so their rights in setting the rules are severely constrained by state law, federal law, and the motherfucking Constitution.

Heh. FYI I worked for Porsche for three and a half years, and I was not a "sales manager" nor did I work at a dealership; I worked at their North American corporate headquarters. I think you've proven your level of knowledge!! Of course, now you won't reply...

Buys used base model Cayman for the price of a Camry

Reluctant crack pipe - 30k is just way too much for this. A quick look at Autotrader will find you these wagons with similar miles for about half the price.

But this one has those awesome hotel carpet vacuum patterns on the mat in the back, that's got to be worth two or three grand, right?

And who, in their right mind, wants to be part of a community that thinks that way?

Yeah, but keep in mind I did 5,000 miles on it. That's 3 years of driving in Ferrari world, and the thing barely blinked. It's far more capable than people want to admit.

So the Ferrari's rate of return was better than investing in all those oil and gas companies like I did last year. That makes me feel good.

I'm surprised somebody who doesn't believe in evolution could have such intelligent things to say about Ferguson!

Conservative Christians are masters of fake outrage and hatred. It's pretty much part of Fox News standard operating procedures.