T e t t e s

you (and or tiktok) should definitely change the title. this does not change anything into a pressure washer. you’re not modifying the pressure of the hose (which is what pressure washer’s do....increase pressure from the supply). all you’ve done is make an impromptu soap dispenser. and possibly a plant killer

At best, state laws protecting consumers are a half-assed patchwork that’s entirely dependent on the state’s political environment and the lobbying strength of the state’s dealer association, vs. any real consumer advocacy.”

And it’s why this nation is a failure.

The photos were enough to get me to No Dice territory. Look at those back wheels. That’s not stance. That’s just bushings that are beyond shot. For all the talk of maintenance work that’s been done, I won’t believe that the owner could look at those rear wheels and think everything was fine.

When you list two cars and say one is different than another based on specific criteria, that is by definition a comparison.

My frustration is that nearly all manufacturers missed the transition from “manuals are for cheap loser cars only” to “enthusiasts with disposable income want manuals in their enthusiast cars.”

You probably didn't watch the 2nd video, or read the transcript. The guy could have went another way. Bye 🤡

Can anyone tell me what repercussions an officer would face if they said “Well, Lieutenant, when I pulled them over some little kids ran out of the car and into one of the houses. I thought it was odd, but since they are just little kids, I left it at that. Not worth escalating the situation, especially when tensions

Always interesting when the eventual charges all end up being some variation of ‘resisting arrest’ instead of whatever crime it was that supposedly caught the attention of police in the first place.

potatoes in Mexican food is genius. they shouldn’t remove...hopefully they are redoing it (maybe making it gluten free or something). but yes, there is a limited amount of people who eat vegetarian items (whether themselves technically vegetarian or not)...and those people, like you and me, only get a limited amount

I’m a big fan of the fun lovin’ GMC era:

I’ve always liked the font GM used on chevys in the sixties-they used it on all their cars it seemed.



My 2013 Abarth has been bullet proof over the last (almost) 5 years I have owned it. I know Jalops discredit all posts about a Fiat / FCA product being reliable but mine has been amazing. I love this car for what it is...the most fun slow car you can drive. 

But you can give those people reasonable advice without giving information that is blatantly false.

People who fought for the south are not veterans of the US army. They literally killed US soldiers.

Removing the flag and statues doesn’t end racism, but it stops glorifying the confederacy. Removing statues doesn’t wash away history in any way, they were put up during the Jim Crow era as a way to remind black people that they were not in charge. People can continue to be fucktards at home and in their private