Isn’t this Note Dame’s process? Just drag things out until the rape victim kills herself?
Isn’t this Note Dame’s process? Just drag things out until the rape victim kills herself?
My favorite Deadspin bit so has been your insistence on calling this show All Takes Matter. I have no idea what this show is actually called and I love it that way.
That wasn’t the scenario the OP posed, now you’re moving goal posts.
Catalina is now 9 lbs 1 oz (almost 8 times her birth weight) and 19.6 inches tall. She got a hearing test this week and PASSED! I was kinda worried about it, but she only has minimum hearing loss in her left ear. Also this week she started reacting more to sounds and other stimuli - before this she would usually not…
Just an update because a lot of you were super supportive last year when my daughter was having serious issues with her mental illness: school has started, she’s a freshman this year and she’s doing so damn well! She’s even in pep squad which has taken us all by surprise, but fuck it! She loves it so we figure it’s…
Skolnick had an accomplice: Lamar Latrell. Shady fuck.
Remember when Degrassi had the episode where everyone got Gonorrhea because they were giving blow jobs in the ravine? I think we need more “special episodes” like this on TV shows for young people.
Nah he’s just your average Deadspin reader, an irritable dad with a law degree.
Rough time with the bar exam the past couple of days, eh buddy?
Haha! Right now we are working on an attack plan for the “water bugs”.
Radishes are good. Not super spicy, but we have a high tolerance here in the Penguin home. Yeah, I’m just letting the cilantro bolt at this point instead of cutting back because it’s so damn hot. I may wait a few weeks to plant more.
I have a weird problem. I share a freezer and time and time again someone takes up my drawer with their stuff. Is there any way to lock a single drawer?
All they can say is that their tarp is pretty plain
“the current five-year, $26 million extension he signed in spring training now looks especially smart for Cleveland”
My mother is dying.
Cleveland’s NBA team sure seems to behave in a care-free, impulsive manner.
My point is that they’re capricious, and pay little heed to impending risk.
I’m having a hard time finding the right word to describe Cleveland’s NBA team, but it’s something along those lines...
No, that isn’t normal. She sounds like a whackadoo, because none of that is appropriate, professional, or useful for hiring a competent person.
Baby is weaning and I have feels. She’s 14 months. She nurses when she wakes up in the morning and right before bed. But she’s skipped the morning before and is able to go to bed without nursing (if I’ve been gone). I’ve become pretty damn pro-breastfeeding, so the idea of not breastfeeding in public ever again is a…
I just needed to state - NIPPLES AND TOES 23!