Dude, nobody buys a team jersey with the owner’s name on it.
Dude, nobody buys a team jersey with the owner’s name on it.
Guys, child slavery is really bad and I could’ve done more to fight against it, but I decided to focus on staying quiet because football.
Loved the new Mitch Williams post today by Burke. Glad you guys are sticking to it.
If he doesn’t want to get hit in the head, maybe he shouldn’t wear a helmet. He’s just asking for it when he’s dressed like that.
Are you never watching Up again because it was so freaking heartbreaking? If so, you should be fine. There’s a moment or two that got me a little misty, but nothing compared to the soul-crushing sadness of Mr. Fredrickson losing the love of his life.
In my memory, he played in exactly one game: that Super Bowl against the Cowboys.
Jezzies, how do you deal with stress?
That’s my favorite meme of the season I think. Children of the con.
Chili dogs?
An update on my Granny, the 92 year old with the blood clots, whom I posted about last week, before I broke my prior log-in: she’s likely going to be okay. They got the clots under control, and she’s at a *nice* rehab while they make sure she’s really good to go. She has a cracked hip (actually femur, but “a broken…
Thank goodness he's ok - it would have been really ugly if he dyed.
What do you do with your grape tomatoes ? Last year I made a batch of cherry tomato marinara.
Hi everybody! I’m drinking peach vodka and club, watching the Olympics. I set my alarm today so I could get up in time to see steeplechase, my favorite Olympic event, and I saw that runner with the shoe issue. Remarkable, running with one bare foot, trying to make up for the time she lost.
So I can’t quite figure out how to get a good photo uploaded, but maybe later. In the meantime, here’s what’s in my garden:
Can anyone identify my mystery peppers? The nursery gave them to me for free because they’d lost the tags, so I have no idea what they are. They’re not changing color at all, just getting bigger; the largest is currently 5-6 inches long.
This isn’t my photo, but it’s exactly what mine look like. They are beautiful little peppers.
I’m finally on time for SNS and it’s the end of all things! I hope Jezebel doesn’t change too much. I’m a lurker but I have a secret, lurkey love for y’all.
Thanks for the info! And yeah my #1 concern right now is the debt. My dad’s partner’s daughter graduated from Colorado State University with about a 3.6-3.8, did a little better than average on the LSAT, and got a full ride to a good law school in Chicago. I can only apply to Denver University and Colorado University…
Willpower is finite (sort of). I wouldn’t try to make 2 major lifestyle changes at the same time. It sounds like the priority is the diet, so I would focus on that. Without knowing exactly what the diet entails, preparing a lot of meals on your day off might help. Night shifts suck for trying to eat normally.
It’s very possible that Family Circus is the reason that I have never, ever wanted kids.