Is that eight months of rent on a nice ranch house and yard? Haha, no. Maybe four months. The housing crisis in California is real.
Is that eight months of rent on a nice ranch house and yard? Haha, no. Maybe four months. The housing crisis in California is real.
so just in line with the administration’s treatment of immigrants as animals...
So hold on, a girl who is trafficked and preyed upon, forced in prostitution, kills a man who picks her up, is given over 50 years, but a grown ass man killing his girlfriend, pouring bleach on her, and not calling 911 until she’s definitely dead only gets 3 years? Yeah, I can definitely see how he’s more capable of…
I'd posit that he's never had a friend, as defined by a reasonable person, in his life. I'm sure he has plenty of acquaintances, useful in a life defined by an exclusively transactional view of human interaction, but not friends. I'm not even sure he understands, on a deep emotional level, that people outside of him…
They all look great. The "cis" pun being put on trans woman contestant Gia feels...not great?
Have you seen your skull, though? Maybe it does look like you.
As someone posted the last time an article about raw cookie was written, “if you have a better idea on how to eat my feelings then I am listening.”
More proof that ‘stand your ground’ and other such laws are meant for white people and no one else.
It’s all about her, isn’t it? Her statement, her inner turmoil, her heart accepting Aurora’s truth now. (What a saint!) It’s like she read that Kevin Spacey statement about how he only molested boys because the closet is a terrible place and thought “Yeah, that’s how you do it.”
It’s weird, doesn’t Jez love to give it to Dunham? I thought that was a thing? Maybe not. It is surprising.
Chicago Tribune’s Heidi Stevens has done a very good job of describing my internal rage at Lena Dunham’s latest installation of bullshit.
Why can’t she ever:
Fuck Lena Dunham. She sees herself as the protagonist in every narrative. There are no other actual people in Lena Dunham’s universe, only supporting characters whose sole purpose is to further Lena Dunham’s growth and development (and then cheer for her).
It’s been two days, so can we safely assume that y’all are just not gonna mention the fact that Lena Dunham confessed to lying in order to discredit an underage black rape victim.
The Saudi Arabian government paid for U.S. military veterans to stay a total of 500 nights at the Trump hotel in Washington D.C. in the wake of the 2016 election, spending a total of $270,000. Arranged by their lobbyists in D.C., these trips to D.C. were ostensibly organized to have veterans speak out against a bill…
And Jason Momoa just went on my to-don’t list. I have hundreds of books and if anyone (who wasn’t a child) deliberately harmed one, there would be blood.
Apologies are short and direct. When you're at five paragraphs, you're offering justifications and hoping that passes as regret.
What an egotistical jerk. I would totally not call him again after the sex.
When I was on maternity leave, I was reading “Where the Heart Is.” My husband decided the book was making me too depressed (thanks Oprah!), so he HID IT FROM ME before he went to work. I should have divorced him then. This was 22 years ago, and it still stands out in my memory as the first of many disrespectful things…
Oh my god. The person who rips my book would have his balls fed to him through his nostrils. BOOKS ARE FRIENDS. RESPECT BOOKS, DAMMIT. Even my six and three year olds learned this lesson early.