Terry Doolittle

Ah yes, the old strategy of not actually asking any real questions so you will have the chance to get paid to not ask real questions again at a later date! What a useful journalistic strategy for getting information and truth out in the world. I wonder why so many people criticize it. 

Democratic rule of thumb: in the absence of any other info, vote for the person who is defending your right to fucking vote.

A few years ago when I started going back to school, I came on Jezebel and posted about it and some people were saying “Go you!” And praising me for being a woman seeking a degree in engineering (I didn’t even mention I was 40 at the time, so not just a woman, but a middle aged woman). And it was so fantastic to have

I am a veteran of an also horrible divorce.

Nah. McConnell and all the rest of those corrupt fuckers deserve to be called out.

This is by far the most common and short sighted argument that I see. Wringing hands worried about what the “other side” will think or do.

the return of the invisible accordion...

To be fair it does feel like decades.

The President. Of the United States. Publicly and with no remorse, called a woman “horseface”.

This is not a game of Who’s More Native? It is a simple question of to whom Elizabeth Warren feels responsible to when she travels to Washington. If her record is any indication, it is not Native peoples.

Gotta say, as someone agnostic on Warren, I am astounded that she was tone-deaf and ignorant enough to go full Blood Quantum/Race Science on this. What an absolutely embarrassing own goal. There were people defending this here on the original piece, and I cannot for the life of me figure out how/why.

Bullies are always the biggest victim in their own narratives.

To be fair, I do get what you’re trying to say, but as a black guy (and former sports reporter) whose heard too many times about the accomplishments of black athletes being described as some sort of innate instinct (rather than practice and hard work), insinuating she’s “not human” brings back some unfortunate racial

Right?! It looks like somebody stuck one of those Halloween-decoration hands into the picture. It’s disturbing and distracting. 

Y’all...I can’t stop looking at the different skin colors of her hand vs her face.

“I’m with her” triggering Kanye’s daddy issues has got to be the most ridiculous shit I’ve heard in a minute.