Terry Doolittle

I absolutely buy the rest of your story, but you are 100% incorrect that sharks don’t have a brain.

Yes! I have a job where I have to do some high-intensity human interaction for much of my day and all I want to do at the end is sit quietly somewhere. I can’t imagine having to perform my life constantly. The stress would probably kill me.

Their lives just seem so exhausting. I can’t imagine having to be “on” all the time.

Ugh. This had never occurred to me, but now that you’ve said it, seems depressingly plausible.

Maybe Scotch is his preferred brand??

Thank you for this.


Kara, I’ve loved Shade Court and your writing on Jez. I wish you nothing but the best in your future.

Eeesh. That’s a good point that many folks may need to keep up on this stuff for their kiddos.

In the interest of full discloure, I’m sure that I was one of those smug coupled people. Dating is hard and scary and I think that part of my smugness was fueled by an absolute terror that I would have to do it again.

Yes. Eating large volumes of a single thing in one sitting is not at all unusual when grieving.

I’m an old who thought she was in a relationship that would last the rest of my life. Surprise!! It didn’t!

I think you and I might be around the same age. I was in a relationship for 20 years in which we used condoms for birth control. Now that I’m back to dating I insist on condoms BUT I was with someone for about a year in which we decided to use the pull-out method (with condoms for when I was ovulating) after a clean

And it’s bullshit to say that just because she at one time approved nude images of hers to be shared online that gives blanket approval forever for people to post naked photos. There’s a HUGE difference between doing it yourself and having someone else do it to you.

Years ago I went to a wedding where the favors for guests were provided by a friend of the couple. The favors were a small, food-related item with a label that prominently displayed the name/contact info for her business and in teeny-tiny letters made mention of the bride and groom.


People who act like that never do it just once.

Ugh. I feel you. I’ve lived here for 20 years and am not sure how long I can hang on. Part of me feels like I’m staying purely to give a middle finger to all these rich jackoffs who think they should be able to chase everyone else out of the city simply because we don’t make as much money as they do.

That Sessions/Kanye juxtapostion is excellent

This is excellent.