
As someone that’s worked in game dev... With a three year cycle? Was it worth it? I dunno... Seems like more of the same. Wonder what these guys c0uld really do.

I’m in the same boat. I don’t mind the microtransactions for this game. Shaders and such are kinda neat, but in a game where I don’t actually see my character 90% of the time, I don’t mind looking like a dope.

Now playing

Without a doubt, this game got me horribly scared. To the point where when the game started, I wouldn’t even move past the starting gate where I couldn’t see the way in. First legit game that horrified me.

Sing the article title out loud, “Pokemon, a woo-ooh!”

I know the point of this article, but to me, it comes down to one thing. Hate or love, I wish someone would have enough emotion to write an entire article about me! XD

Somewhere, Jessica Nigri is furiously taking notes.

I had a very recent moment, actually! The For Honor Beta had more than a few exciting moments. But in particular, it was a 4v4 on Sanctuary Bridge. My team was on the ropes, we were down to the final set where we were coming back.

Every single time, I think I can beat the system. They never get the lips right, so I spend half an hour tweaking the lips and jaw section of a character to make it look ‘right’. Start the game. I’m playing an episode of Ducktales. Reload, and use generic or canned lip shapes.

I always found this feeling with several decent things about LOTR universe games. I think in general I’ve identified that after all the movies and living in that world for three straight years, I was just Middle-Earthed Out. It explains why I wasn’t really as jazzed about the Hobbit trilogy either, just too much of

I do agree, but in a way, don’t agree. In a sample size this big, is it really a necessity to have this element be a point of inclusion? I mean in terms of the champions represented. There are kinda notions in this article that seem to flip-flop with the idea of it. Some opinions verge on the edge of ‘If it

And not only that - but hitting 40 doesn’t really take all that long - if you play the game for an hour or two a night. I’ve run a whole slew of characters up to 40 in about two weeks each.

And not only that - but hitting 40 doesn’t really take all that long - if you play the game for an hour or two a

There’s a part of me that agrees with this, a large part. But in the end, I don’t think I could handle putting a blanket veneer over every character, that they must do this, and this, and have this range of abilities/emotions/driving forces.

I love the quotes, too. One moment that had me laughing way too hard was when one of the character’s was in the middle of a long quote, and they died right in the middle of it, and the quote broke off perfectly into a funny death scream. It’s all the little touches!

As an avid multiplayer-shooter fan over the years - this is what I’ve been wanting. I’ve been the high-twitch competitive gamer, the casual end-of-night sorta gamer. This is right in between, and it’s glorious. I haven’t had this much fun in a long time, but the review kinda needs one more aspect which I think might

I liked the stealth, but so much of the game has you paired with someone. Much like The Last of Us, it’s fine when you’re alone, but when you have Sam/Ellie/Sully/Elena just scootin’ around in plain sight of people that can’t see them? It makes me laugh and I just get out the guns and play along with the scenario -

Please tell me your lip-pursing is just because you’re trying to taste the hell out of those M&M’s, and you don’t do that with every single one in everyday life.

Nice, total One Must Fall reference - just look at the docking bay repair screen.

Mute Mountain!

By far, Star Wars Battle Pod gets my vote just for the immersion aspect. It’s just sit back, pull some triggers and go nuts!

Of course they can - but you have to admit there’s an appeal in being caught ‘in the moment’, it’s a sense of belonging that everyone that’s grounded in the ‘Day 1’ energy feels. Don’t discount it, because I think everyone feels it at some point for something, and it’s a nice feeling.