
Comes down to, if you’ve put stock in your word, deliver.  This isn’t one of those choices that you get to stand aside from due to money.  As a visible ethnic minority, if I take a stand like this?  I deliver.

Why do people say their ‘s’ sounds with their tongue back behind their upper teeth these days? Gives it a hissing semi-lisp. Don’t use your tongue at all, and get a crisper sound.

It’s hard to think about the voucher system going deep.  I just peeked at the page - and I think it said the offers were available until July 31st.  The vouchers may exist beyond that, but will they change the game lineup?  Not sure.

I really enjoyed the Star Wars: Battle Pod version of Hoth for the arcade thrills.  One of the strangely forgotten Star Wars experiences, and in my mind, most thrilling.

Something always irks me about guys that react to farts like that.  It’s such a six year old thing to put your shirt over your nose, or wave at your face.  Man alive fellas, you’ve probably put out worse than that, and people barely gave a watery-eyed blink.   ......I was about to say ‘suck it up.’

Anyone else read that as ‘Hostile Reptiles’?  :D

I get what you’re trying to do. Problem is always going to come up that there’s no statement for those that are unable to read. There are some articles that pop up in this ilk that truly make me wonder what the goal is. When the subject comes to race, it’s hard not to wax poetic about stories and such.  It almost

These look good to me!  I have a very hard time finding Figma’s for a decent price, and mainly because I like converting and repainting figures as a hobby.  These look very good for me to mess around with and not break the bank!

Splatoon 2 (Go Team Pancakes!), Overwatch, Life Is Strange: Before the Storm, and maybe mix in a little Infamous: First Light!


Carry enough for a meal, some wheels, and deals. For me, this means around seventy five bucks. Twenty bucks for a meal, twenty bucks for a cab if I need it, and then the rest is just in case I see something at a second-hand shop/flea market, most of the time they don’t take cash.

Completely agree with the sentiments! But Overwatch is still my first place because I had such a strong, different experience than most. When Overwatch came out, I didn’t have really anyone on my friends list. I jumped right in, and said “If I play a really good Mercy, and be very unselfish, I bet I could find a clan

Still reading that acronym as United States Mutant Ninja Turtles.

When journalism writers stop referring to every controversial subject as “-gate”, then we’ll talk.

Yeah, that’s another aspect to it.  Not the best analogy, but the Castle takes on the appearance of the King over time.  Hindsight shows that so clearly, damned shame that it’s gotten this far out of hand.  

I had to watch it. Sat back after and gave a thought. Your points are solid across the board. For me? My take was very close to your point 6.

Good read, as a visible ethnic minority (Native American), I understand it is important for some people to find identity in things, but I just don’t quite see the *need* for it. Maybe I have a very easy time disconnecting from those notions, or my particular cultural background has something to do with it, since it’s

Slow news/opinion day?  I dunno.  The whole story is about how you don’t take care of things, and that it’s a problem.  It’s pretty much a problem for anyone that doesn’t take care of things.  

I think there was some agreement early on in Atlus’ time that specified certain time for main line releases to be exclusive to Sony.  At one time I believe they were a 2nd party developer?  After a certain amount of time, IP’s could be ported to other systems and spinoffs could be made, but until recently, the

Once with each eye I suppose?