
My nickname was "Tinkerbell" on my college football team. Thank God that didn't stick...

I've lived in Cincinnati for 15 years, and for the longest time swore it off after I ate a serving upon my arrival and hated it. I swore the only chili for me was good ole Texas chili, but I tried it again a couple years ago, and now I love it. It makes me feel lethargic and my poop turns runny, but it tastes super.

I've lived in Cincinnati for 15 years and never heard of a slaw dog. I'm assuming that the love for Cincinnati chili has pushed the slaw dog out of the region's repertoire, which is a bummer because I really want to try one. Know of a place out here to get a good one?

And the only round that can pierce that engine block is a .50 cal BMG, which is the bullet those 30 pound bad boys shoot. Not attacking you, just calling to attention how impressive it is that they're marching in a parade with guns that are taller than Tom Cruise, and heavier than Honey-Booboo. They got big dicks,

They're carrying Barrett .50 caliber rifles. They were designed to pierce an entire engine block, so unless you have some serious plated armor, this thing is going to get you. In Iraq a U.S. sniper used one to shoot combatants behind a cement wall; the bullet is so massive and traveling so fast it fractured the wall

beating it is your worst moment of your life?

I know! mine crapped out on my S90 too. I guess the swedes never saw the use for air conditioning.

I used to drive one of these until a few years ago, and it was great. Very little maintenence, and a rather comfortable ride with plenty of room. Notto mention a 0-60 of 9 seconds. Well maybe that part wasn't so great, but i still loved that car.

Oh God YES +1

Haven't seen one of these out, but i'm curious and want to try one. By the way, i took your advice on the ruin 10 by stone, and i bought all 8 in the store. When i opened up the first one and took a sip i literally had a stupid grin come over my face and a few tears well up in my peepers. Just wanted to say thanks for

Lawl +1

Whoa face indeed.

Don't know why people are such bitches to Greg. I can't figure out if it's a running joke or they're just jealous of his boyish good looks.

Can we just call it "foccer" or maybe "sootball"?

I think it's crazy how they give away stickers for acheiving the simplest of tasks these days. "Peed" really?

Colts player caught driving while drinking a Colt 45 and having an unregistered Colt 1911.

I laughed. I cried. I +1ed


I'm with you on that one. ESPN has seemed to be afraid to get on anyone's bad side at the cost of intriguing content, and actual compelling argument.

I'm also curious if Kidd can DUI it