
Orally, anally, and penally?

I agree. I actually was thinking about this car the other day and reminiscing about its great looks. A shame it never caught on. I sometimes think the car's miserable utilization in the James Bond films contributed to its unpopularity.

Whoa face indeed:

That looks like as good an invitation as any?

Good, i'm glad i was not the only one to feel this way!

Normally i would scream "heresy" but i took a second look and i have to say that i think the 288 is at least giving the legend a run for its money.

Hmm sounds like it would be fun. I think i'd give it a shot if I could manage to not get arrested.

+1 Delicious

It must have been a real doozy to earn a capitalized "Idiot."

I went to a private highschool, and the super rich, snotty, and entitled kids all drove Audis. It took until they released the R10 that i actually started to appreaciate their cars again.

I think it's an avatar from that game "The Sims" the joke was initially lost on me too.

I had a Ruination Tenth Anniversary edition, and adored it, but then was very sad because i didn't think i'd have anything like it again. I'm so glad to see this! I hadn't heard of it. i'm going to go look for one! Thanks!!!

For some reason I picture that as her "O face"

It actually just sounds German...

Are...are, are you for real?

Asian anger is the cutest anger?

Nice, so when do you swiitch to the iO9 staff?

I know hot, right?

This is awesome ZIPP. You provide an awesome point of view to something everyone on this site would like to do. Thanks!

So that's why i'm always getting laughed at!