I liked the original Ghostbusters! This one looks terrible. Look, they can try to copy it but there are just some fundamental differences between male and female actors. Like in the original, the men fought ghosts. Cool, right? Well in this one, the women are just fighting their urge for chocolate. ACK! Boring. Every…
But when everybody’s like, ‘It’s a cash grab?’ Everything ever made in Hollywood since the beginning of time is a cash grab. That’s why the original Ghostbusters existed. It wasn’t an altruistic thing.
Something tells me the “You’re ruining my childhood!!!!” people have significant overlap with Trump supporters.
I have a drawing I did in first grade based on WWW saying when I grow up I want to be Will Smith.
Prophets of Rage and Flight of the Conchords are pretty good choices.
wtf? mother’s/father’s day aren’t because you fucked. it’s because you parent. i got my partner a card and my daughter and i chose a little gift for him because we appreciate that he parents her and is a part of our family.
I’m okay being Spooky Mulder in this scenario tbh.
I guess I’ll be that person here and admit that this sounds like a tall tale to me.
It's crazy how differently people commented on here compared to the same article on Gizmodo. In a nut shell, Jezebel: badass hero; Gizmodo: probably lying.
He’s a monster. And utterly devoid of anything mammalian in nature. Hell, reptiles are more caring. (I apologize to reptile lovers.)
Honestly, I thought that was more about how tiring it is to put a kid to bed. I barely feel human after that sometimes.
“What Slash is to guitar, sky ferreira is to looking hot”
Boring man
If it makes you feel better, I would 100% read your memoir/novel.
Ok yes MAYBE! it’s possible that is what went down.But, I am just finding it very unlikely that in this economy, in a state like Ohio that John Kasich has ruined economically due to being more concerned with uterus control, that a McDonalds worker would risk her job like that. It sounds like she wants to shift the…
Agree, maybe Rachet Becky? They seem more like Chrystals or Ambers, or Brandis (obv spelled with an i).
Does anyone else have a type in the same way Leo has a type? I guess I could list physical traits that I find particularly alluring, but if you actually lined up all of my past partners they would look like quite a motley crew. But then, I’m not a famous movie star.
The actual f?