Then I’m sure he knows how to tame a horse to gain access to murder porn!
Can you imagine the nuclear-level shitfit some conservatives would have if a liberal clerk refused to issue someone a gun licence because they didn’t like firearms? They’d be furious, and you know, rightly so. People have a right to expect public officials to follow the law, even if they don’t agree with it. If you…
I’d go with “that hair” in a contest against all those things you said.
I’m growing more and more uncomfortable with the seemingly increasing progressive notion that people’s backgrounds must be fully delved into and punishment doled out for things they did years and years ago, retroactive, permanent punishment. It strikes me as so anti-liberal.
“Like, y’all wasn’t trippin on that in 2011, or 2012, or 2013, or 2014, or half of 2015. But out of nowhere, the UK has a problem with me coming into their country?”
Does the President deserve accolades after his term is over? Does a CEO deserve a bonus after his company stock goes up? Does your mom deserve a gift on Mothers Day? These aren’t random people on the street these are the people that helped him make the game! MGS wouldn’t be what it is without him. Can a nigga get a…
i own one after my fat 60 started to give up. theyre not bad, quiet and plays ps3 games. cant really ask for anything more or less. design is alittle flimsy but you get what you paid for.
when you’re the creative director of one of the most critically acclaimed franchises in human history...i think you’re allowed to have some people shake your hand and give you a pat on the back...
You’ll find all that Konami bribe money will vanish pretty quickly when you play their pachinko machines. But you just keep pulling that lever!
Right on!!! When will these sheeple wake up and realize JIM STERLING DID 9/11!!!
The fact you resorted to using the word sheeple voids your opinion of any merit.
Yeah Nintendo sign him and make Kojima amiibo.
And, as always, FUCK KONAMI.
Reminds me of Bioshock Infinite.