
Shoulda been you, Hulkster.

No, you’re crying.

Being an introvert and having to ask a girl out is pure hellllll

must’ve been Amish for real, ‘;cause everyone knows that possession of a can of Coke Zero means “run the other way, dude!”

But the article made a statement about all men. Why, in your brain, is it a somehow invalid or pathetic response to criticise a blanket statement?


Why couldn’t a man say, for instance, that he really likes you and gets the feeling you like him back, but, hey, he could be wrong. Then you could say you did or didn’t share his interest. And that would be that. I can’t decide what is sadder: That this is so simple, or that it’s so unlikely.

The greatest songwriting team in the history of music is Bob Dylan and whoever brought Bob Dylan his cigarettes/speed/weed/220-221 whatever it takes.

I’ll acknowledge Bono’s pompous self-aggrandizement. I’ll admit that, as much as I love the highlights of U2’s career, I’m bored with most of their catalog.

You must not have actually been keeping up with what they show in the games. Spoilers follow:

That’s not really fair. There’s story directly in the games told through phone calls, newspaper, etc, and story that can be safely inferred from the environment on top of the parts that need to be theorized.

I wanna see people be this cynical about the story of darlings like Bloodborne or Dark Souls.

I don’t like the games, but, they have story, that’s maybe the best part of the franchise... because I don’t like the gameplay at all

No, it’s all pretty real.

Sorry but I had to laugh because you said “fucking piece of dreck” xD

It’s an implied meaning, people obviously probably aren’t going to hate success as a concept but the perceived success of others due to being jealous of not being as successful themselves. No need to get all indignant about the phrasing.

But the dude’s Christian...it’s not pretending.

Now playing

One of the other commentators brought it up, so here it is the first one for the lazy. Since then there has been more details in the sequels that prove some of this theory false, but this is a good starting point for the story of the series.

Check out the Game Theory episode on FFAF by MatPat. He does a pretty good job of taking all the lore and making sense of it all. I think he made an initial video, and then cranked out a cumulative 2-parter that covers everything up to and including FNAF 3.