I was born in ‘90 and I used the hell out of AIM. So, your mileage may vary?
Can’t we have ONE conversation about feminism where men get to be in charge?!
Also of note: where the fuck is Dick Cheney during this whole mess? Did Karl Rove forget to let him out of his crypt again?
I’m jumping off a goddamn bridge.
People used to call my son “a flirt” when he was 2-3. Made me uncomfortable as hell. I get that it’s supposed to be cute, but I feel like it’s really gross to sexualize children, no matter what. I feel the same way about all of the gross shirts that people put kids in that say all the same shit. It’s not cute. It’s…
I still haven’t watched that one! I really should - I legitimately enjoyed LA Noire. I can see that being a lotta fun!
The only solo LPer I really like is EpicNameBro, and that’s because he goes deep into the lore and mechanics of the games he’s playing - From Software games (Dark Souls, Demon Souls, Bloodborne) specifically. If you’re nerdy about that shit, he’s a great LPer.
I’m 5'8 and was married for 7 years. And we have a kid. I’m baffled by this whole “5'8 is short” shit.
This makes me feel unsafe.
I’m not much of an anime fan, but I adore DBZ.
I mean hell, my frame of reference for “heroin addict” is Charlie on Lost, which is a sanitized version of what actual addiction looks like, and that was enough for me to know that you don’t fuck with heroin. It isn’t like the non-using public isn’t aware of how ugly and destructive heroin/crack/meth/etc. are.
Now add the ability to hide all the links to apps I’m never going to download (Plex, Crackle, Vudu, HBO Go because I have XFinity who don’t allow you to use HBO Go on PS3/4) and I’ll be a happy camper.
From one autistic person to another: I do this too, and I appreciate that you’ve done this here.
I don’t know why but my brain Jerry Maguire’d their slogan and transformed it into “Fewer Ingredients, Less Pizza”.
No. If you spend a considerable amount of time playing a game, you don’t get to ask for a refund because you don’t like it. You can spend 25+ hours playing a game and not like it, but you not enjoying something does not actually mean you’re entitled to a refund. It isn’t anti-consumer to recognize that the belief that…
You’re right! You not having an issue with having your dick grabbed by strangers means NOBODY should have a problem with being harassed in public.
He said he’s queer, not that he’s gay.
I do this with the cherry ones. I didn’t know anyone else did this. I appreciate you for making me feel less weird.