
Sometimes, it's more satisfying to take your own peaceful revenge.

Understandably, the scammer is pissed, his phone rendered unusable by the never-ending torrent of Shakespearian text messages. Edd's been getting abusive phone calls from the perplexed con artist, but he says he's not going to stop.

Absolutely. Seeing his face ruins everything.

The best, Bob, the BEST!

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Some versions of the game are faster than others. Around the time of the last one he did, he posted a lengthy (and surprisingly interesting) blog post about the different versions of the game, in an aptly named article called "Ocarina of Time—speedrunning & version differences".

I remember watching that speedrun a few months back. I'm so stoked to give this run a watch.

It's so weird seeing these people, I legitimately forgot that Rockstar was not a cloud-based organization that was pulled into existence from the ether, and was created by human beings.

That's an incredibly valid question.

Hey guys, are we just gonna ignore that the N64 was the same price as a Vita or a 3DSXL today? Because that's badass.

I'm in lesbians with you.

My exact words:

Sure, but those 14 boxes can easily be put into different groups for different needs. I can get behind that.

I think we're going to have to agree to disagree on this one. All I said was that I liked the goddamn game. There's absolutely nothing wrong with just liking something. The fact that everything seems to require several (very patronizing, I might add) paragraphs to explain why my thoughts on the game are incorrect

My original response was pretty much just me saying I liked the game, because I thought it was good. Not everything needs critical analysis. My entire reason for responding was to say exactly what I did: that I enjoyed the game, and that's that - though part of it was finding your criticisms to be pretty juvenile and

I love gaming, but I'm not great when it comes to technology. This sounds silly, so let me explain: I'm very bad when it comes to the finer aspects of computer use. I'm relatively okay when it comes to low-level software troubleshooting and doing minute software mods (in short: the most extravagant thing I've ever

I hate him because of his personality. I find his LPs to pretty unwatchable because his personality grates me, and makes it hard for me to enjoy what he does, at all. It feels incredibly forced, and turns me off immensely.

I don't know how well A German Spy is doing, but he's big enough that he (and EpicNameBro) was asked to work on the Dark Souls II guide because of his standing in that community, and he's Europe-based.

Christ, that would be terrible.

A couple things: