
Not shy about saying that I’ve looked to this trend as a possible way to make some money on the side... but man, the extremism of a lot of the most popular games is off-putting. It makes you feel like there’s an expectation that you have to include that content in order to make money, when all I really want to do is

Papa John’s board is instituting the unusual “poison pill provision.”

Your treatment has made me so angry. I’m so sorry this happened to you. You deserve justice, and I know you’ll ace the bar.

I hope this does like the Deadpool “test footage” and makes enough noise to jumpstart production. I have to think that’s the primary motivation for Fillion et al. to dump money into a short like this.

I never understood why they did what they did with Armageddon. Guerilla really was/is a blast (lolz) to play. Armageddon was...not. 

They’re all spineless cogs in the machine, and they prove it with each passing day. 

I’m sure it didn’t really cause him to resign, but I’m giving the credit for this to the lady who confronted him at lunch.  Keep it up, that shit works!  Now, who’s next?

Fucking.  Finally.

It is of course a totally individual choice about paying for Netflix, but their original programming is really solid in my opinion. The MCU shows are good to OK-but-enjoyable; Queer Eye is a breath of fresh, funny air; GLOW is awesome; Orange is the New Black is great; Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is quite funny, and

This goes from benign to excessive very quickly.

In Montana, I’ve learned you can wear Chacos to a wedding. 


While you’re at it, F*ck everyone who JUST DIDN’T VOTE in 2016.

Goodbye abortion rights...

Ocasio-Cortez is exactly the kind of candidate we need running everywhere for everything. Sick of the the status quo, new ideas, actual passion for serving the people. Maybe the time is nigh for the Democratic Party to fade away and the Democratic Socialists to replace them.

Guys, I think this ruling makes it pretty clear that I’m a legal expert, as I REALLY feel I know a lot about the law. I also am not required to show any verification of my legal expertise but I assure you, I am VERY well legalized and eduformed.
Anyhow, as a Master Justice (we’re actually secretly appointed by the

People who think their feelings are more important that providing healthcare to a person should not work in healthcare in any capacity.

so he swapped his seat for one toward the back

Rose Leslie can dress me up however she likes as long as she lets me listen to that accent of hers.