Counterpoint: In the case of an actual emergency, this president is the last person you’d want to inform until it was absolutely necessary.
Counterpoint: In the case of an actual emergency, this president is the last person you’d want to inform until it was absolutely necessary.
I mean, I don’t think anyone is expecting Borderlands to start giving us James Joyce or Dostoevsky. Irreverent (and occasional scatological) humour, lots of guns, and big explosions are Borlerland’s stock in trade.
Freedom of speech is one of those things that the founding fathers would take out of the first amendment if they saw all the shitheels on the internet today.
The whole “this came from a lab” BS is just to distract the public from the gigantic fuckup by the Trump administration to confront this pandemic. South Korea and others followed the action plan that the US helped develop and they haven’t had the number of cases, deaths, or economic damage that the US has encountered.
You may be confused . The last Indiana Jones and the last crusade was released in 1989. Not sure what this 2008 Indiana Jones you’re talking about is.
Never interrupt your opponent when they’re busy making a mistake
Watching a women my age date men younger than my eldest nephews is really eye opening. I understand that love is love, but damn, the average 22 year old looks like a baby to me.
New controller looks fine/cool to me.
Do people really think it looks bad? Like...I don’t know what people expect? It seems close enough to the Dual Shock, buttons are all in the same places, looks perfectly functional to me.
Are we expecting N64/Gamecube levels of design with these things? I’d argue that controllers have been mostly “solved” and anything…
Oh for sure, I don’t think we should completely remove capitalism. Of course unions are the solution. Otherwise, these lovely companies wouldn’t fight tooth and nail to keep their employees from unionizing.
Get rid of it? No. Leave things as they are? Definitely not.
Edit: capitalism as it is and how these people would…
As longs as Democrats hold the House, that’ll kill any impeachment effort in the cradle. But I do worry that Republicans will just flip the arguments they just made about Trump, and adopt a policy of immediately impeaching any Democrat president when they have control of the House.
All of the focus has been on getting rid of Trump, and understandably so. But I’ve also sometimes wondered about what post-Trump America will look like. Should the Democrats win in 2020, as they must, is there any chance — any chance at all — that there won’t be impeachment proceedings in the first two years?
The kneel thing is puzzling, but after getting the news from the senate (it no longer deserves capitalization) that no witnesses will be called, I find the ability to stand without having a spine even more amazing.
Goddammit EA, Port the entire dead space trilogy to it already.
Harley-Davidson’s Slow Decline Is Getting Hard To Watch
The excerpt from this book that was published in The Washington Post this morning is enough to make you want to beat the ever loving shit out of anyone, male or female, that you see or hear defending this crass, stupid, proudly ignorant buffoon. The fact that the man selected by white folks to lead this country is so…
That right there is also the reason why you’re losing everyone under the age of 40: it’s not our obligation to be grateful for us not being Saudi Arabia. It’s not on us to be grateful that, in fact, our promises that we are the land of the free and the home of the brave are sometimes honored. Occasionally, for some of…
“Mass tragedy today as hundreds of commuters cars in Atlanta suffered catastrophic tire punctures at highway speeds, leading to major pileups with hundreds of casualties and an unknown number of deaths. The cause was identified as thousands of tiny, plastic 4-sided pyramidal objects, strewn across the highway. These…
This was just a normal Shadowrun session.