Exactly. The only way he could pull something like this off is if they didn’t tell him. Since he’s such a warm and devoted spouse, I’m sure he’d pick up on that right away. Hell, she may have taken off ages ago and no one’s noticed.
Exactly. The only way he could pull something like this off is if they didn’t tell him. Since he’s such a warm and devoted spouse, I’m sure he’d pick up on that right away. Hell, she may have taken off ages ago and no one’s noticed.
Okay, but if it was a body double, Trump definitely would say something like, “my wife Melania, she’s right here. This is definitely not a body double.”
Great episode.
You motherfucker.
You and other guy are right. As I already said below.
Rose loses her shit on Twitter and is suspended. Our fucking President loses his shit on Twitter and gets rewarded like some god damn heavyweight boxing champion. This world has gone fucking upside down!!!
The people who’re freaking out about this now don’t realize Scouting is over a century old and needs to change if it doesn’t want to die.
Eagle Scout, Assistant Scoutmaster, and merit badge instructor here: This is fine.
Honestly, Scouting needs to be more inclusive if it wants to survive. The Mormon Church was unofficially running the show for a long time (hence the shitty track record towards the LGBTQ+ community), and only recently announced they…
“Skordas later told the Associated Press that Payne would still be employed if it weren’t for body camera footage of the incident”
Yeah, still going to nope. I don’t go up to spiders and poke, prod, or fuck with them. I wish to avoid them, they wish to avoid me. But if I’m coming into contact with a spider, it is by accident and probably will be because I push up against them say in bed while they’re under the blankets. Or worse. So there is no…
Introverts unite! Individually, in our own homes!
I miss Carlin.
Oh look, we’ve finally found the proper time for people to kneel before the flag.
Also Santa Claus is white and black people deserve to be brutally killed by police and women who are sexually harassed and assaulted are probably asking for it. Gotta leave it at that. We’ll be right back and our next segment will include a prolonged discussion of high waisted jeans.
I think part of the issue is that we have a shred of gun control - that shred got weaker and weaker and weaker with every hand greased by the gun lobbies to where it’s barely tissue paper. That’s the crap that gets pulled out every time we try to discuss improvements and inevitably someone’s going to cry “Chicago!”…
“Wildflowers” was the soundtrack of my early 20s. I listened to it today in full and I don’t think I realized then how much of his own shit he was laying bare. Now, as a grown up with a complicated marriage, I get so much more from his later music. God I’m going to miss him.
Someone beat me to it already but it is tough to shame someone who has no shame. After turning on the TV this morning and immediately trying to figure out if anyone we knew was in Las Vegas, my wife and I talked about the fact that nothing will change. Sometime this week, and it may have already happened, someone will…
Yeah, not surprised.