
Meh. It was better than I thought, but way too much like Buffy, X-files, even Supernatural. Nothing we haven't seen a hundred times already. And since its on the same time as both Fringe and SPN, the only reason I even saw this one is because of stupid baseball, so I don't predict this will be staying around anyway.

Anything in the name of the Almighty Dollar. That's all that really matters in our country.

I guess they don't want Grimm to succeed. My DVR can only do two shows, and I'm not about to give up Fringe or Supernatural.

Next up: CSI: Care Bears. The bears are re-imagined as a tight-knit squad of gritty martial artists who investigate crimes in the fairy kingdom and bring their own unique brand of justice to those who steal rainbows and miss nap time.

And I think maybe he's not the only George to fall into that category.

First thought the second I saw Leah:

All I can say is, thank God for small favors on all of these.

Is it bad I kinda want to see the new Thing? I realize it's not going to tread new ground, but maybe I don't want it to. I don't see anything wrong with an homage to Carpenter's if it give me more of the same. Most prequels/sequels can't even get that much right.

The other problem is that the Wachowskis, tired of being constantly and blatantly ripped off for "bullet time" set out to make a movie with scenes and effects that they made sure no one could ever top. When that is the primary focus of your movie, you've already lost.

I think you might be right.

My brain keeps wanting to say "Arm and" instead of Armie

I knew it. It's Moriarty.

Technically, yes, but it's going to tell the same story, with the same results, and with the same tone and location. That sounds like a remake to me, albeit with new characters. Hell, it might be a better remake than some of the actual remakes out there, which adhere much less to the original that what I've just

I realize it's basically a remake and won't really tread any new ground, but I actually want to see the new The Thing. There are worse things than a two hour homage to that classic film (as long as they don't fuck it up). But I guess I'm in the minority on that. Everyone else seems to want to hate it on sight.

I'm surprised you didn't mention the big one in Game of Thrones. To me, the one in GoT was the bigger one than at the end of Dance, because you really didn't see it coming and was what set the whole series as a game changer. By Dance, you know what Martin's game is a little and know that no one's safe. (Ok, I admit,

Nope, you're not.

2.98? You're far too generous. The first season will be made with Unicorn wishes and Fairy dreams, and promises of broken arms and first borns for every episode that "fails."

Yeah, we lose him on The Wolverine for this?

Re: Person of Interest. I'm liking this show so far more than I thought I would. However, I'm wondering where they can go with Det. Carter.

I'd love for the series to go in the Civil War direction, the only Marvel mega-event that I thought was any good in the last few years. There would be a lot of good ideas and conflict to mine there, but it might be too far from a studios' big tentpole film formula (i.e. no main villain, heroes fight each other) for